Statistics Toolbox for Study: ST000900
Title: Evidence that the metabolite repair enzyme NAD(P)HX epimerase has a moonlighting function
Select a dataset:Run analyses on data in Study ST000900 Dataset: GC POSITIVE ION MODE
Metabolite structures and classes (all analyses combined)
- Pie chart of metabolite super classes
- Pie chart of metabolite main classes
- Pie chart of metabolite sub classes
- Molecular structure similarity analysis
Normalization and averaging
- Perform sample normalization / Show metabolite averages / Run cluster analysis
- Perform analyte scaling on data
- Create Relative log abundance plots
Univariate analysis
Clustering and correlation
- Perform hierarchial or heatmap cluster analysis
- Perform Clustered correlation analysis
- Perform Network analysis on correlated metabolites (mapped to classification)
- Perform Network analysis on correlated metabolites (mapped to fold-change)
Multivariate analysis
- Perform Principal component analysis
- Perform Linear discriminant analysis
- Perform Partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)
Classification and feature analysis
MetaBatch Omic Browser (MD Anderson Cancer Center)
(Clustered Heat Maps, PCA+, UMAP, box plot, violin plot, and other visualizations)MetENP: Metabolite enrichment and species-specific pathway annotation
Mapping metabolites to human biochemical pathways
- Not applicable (non-mammalian)