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Samples for study ST002334

Species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id Subject name Sample name Biological replicate Sample_Data:SH-SY5Y cell line Type RAW_FILE_NAME Analysed data
SA232050-1IPLD3 Knockout ex6PNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232049-2IPLD3 Knockout ex6Bnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232052-3IIPLD3 Knockout ex6PNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232051-4IIPLD3 Knockout ex6Bnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232054-5IIIPLD3 Knockout ex6PNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232053-6IIIPLD3 Knockout ex6Bnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232056-7IVPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232055-8IVPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232057-17IXPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232058-18IXPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232059-10VPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232060-9VPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232062-11VIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232061-12VIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x WtBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232063-13VIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232064-14VIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232065-15VIIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232066-16VIIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x M6RBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232067-19XPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232068-20XPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232069-21XIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232070-22XIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232072-23XIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MPNSPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)
SA232071-24XIIPLD3 Knockout ex6 x V232MBnd/endolysosomalPLD3.scan PLD3.wiffPLD3 lipidomics results (Excel worksheet names represent displayed analyzes and units)