Orthologs for SLC7A8

Entrez Gene ID Gene SymbolProtein GIMGP recordSPECIES
23428 SLC7A8 33286428 MGP004668 Human
452793 SLC7A8 114652118 Chimpanzee
536818 SLC7A8 300798051 Cow
490608 SLC7A8 57090431 Dog
50934 Slc7a8 8394325 Mouse
84551 Slc7a8 16758188 Rat
713511 SLC7A8 109082938 Rhesus monkey
394580 slc7a8 45360621 Xenopus
View homologs of SLC7A8 via Homologene

Multiple alignments for protein sequences from SLC7A8 via Homologene

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