RefMet Compound Details

MW structure50107 (View MW Metabolite Database details)
RefMet name3-Oxopalmitoyl-CoA
Alternative nameCoA 16:0;3oxo
Systematic name3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-{3-[(3R)-3-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-4-{[3-oxo-3-({2-[(3-oxohexadecanoyl)sulfanyl]ethyl}amino)propyl]amino}butyl] dihydrogen diphosphate}
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Sum CompositionCoA 16:1;O View other entries in RefMet with this sum composition
Exact mass1019.324149 (neutral)
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FormulaC37H64N7O18P3SView other entries in RefMet with this formula
InChIKeyNQMPLXPCRJOSHL-BBECNAHFSA-NView other enantiomers/diastereomers of this metabolite in RefMet
Super ClassFatty Acyls
Main ClassFatty esters
Sub ClassAcyl CoAs
Pubchem CID169621
Annotation level1   (1:Known structure; 2:Known regiochemistry; 3:Partial structure; 4:Sum-composition)

Table of KEGG reactions in human pathways involving 3-Oxopalmitoyl-CoA

Rxn IDKEGG ReactionEnzyme
R03991 Tetradecanoyl-CoA + Acetyl-CoA <=> CoA + 3-Oxopalmitoyl-CoAmyristoyl-CoA:acetylCoA C-myristoyltransferase
R04737 (S)-3-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl-CoA + NAD+ <=> 3-Oxopalmitoyl-CoA + NADH + H+(S)-3-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl-CoA:NAD+ oxidoreductase

Table of KEGG human pathways containing 3-Oxopalmitoyl-CoA

Pathway IDHuman Pathway# of reactions
hsa00062 Fatty acid elongation 2
hsa00071 Fatty acid degradation 2
hsa01212 Fatty acid metabolism 2