RefMet Compound Details

MW structure37662 (View MW Metabolite Database details)
RefMet nametrans-3-Hydroxycotinine glucuronide
Systematic name(2S,3S,4S,5R,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[(3R)-1-methyl-2-oxo-5-pyridin-3-ylpyrrolidin-3-yl]oxyoxane-2-carboxylic acid
SMILESCN1C(C[C@H](C1=O)O[C@H]1[C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H]([C@@H](C(=O)O)O1)O)O)O)c1cccnc1   Run Tanimoto similarity search (with similarity coefficient >=0.6)
Exact mass368.121966 (neutral)
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FormulaC16H20N2O8View other entries in RefMet with this formula
InChIKeyWALNNKZUGHYSCT-QBYCBOKUSA-NView other enantiomers/diastereomers of this metabolite in RefMet
Super ClassCarbohydrates
Main ClassMonosaccharides
Sub ClassMonosaccharides
Pubchem CID53477725
Annotation level1   (1:Known structure; 2:Known regiochemistry; 3:Partial structure; 4:Sum-composition)

Table of KEGG reactions in human pathways involving trans-3-Hydroxycotinine glucuronide

Rxn IDKEGG ReactionEnzyme
R01383 UDP-glucuronate + ROH <=> UDP + beta-D-GlucuronosideUDPglucuronate beta-D-glucuronosyltransferase (acceptor-unspecific)
R01478 H2O + beta-D-Glucuronoside <=> D-Glucuronate + Alcoholbeta-D-glucuronoside glucuronosohydrolase

Table of KEGG human pathways containing trans-3-Hydroxycotinine glucuronide

Pathway IDHuman Pathway# of reactions
hsa00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions 2