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MB Sample ID: SA165517

Local Sample ID:AVI00864
Subject ID:SU001862
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:18-60

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP001868
Sampleprep Summary:Frozen plasma samples were thawed at room temperature and shaken before use (Bernini et al. 2011). A total of 300 μL of a sodium phosphate buffer (10.05 g Na2HPO4·7H2O; 0.2 g NaN3; 0.4 g sodium trimethylsilyl [2,2,3,3-2H4] pro-pionate (TMSP) in 500 mL of H2O with 20% (v/v) 2H2O; pH 7.4) was added to 300 μL of each plasma sample, and the mixture was homogenized by vortexing for 30 seconds. A total of 450 μL of this mixture was transferred to a 4.25 mm NMR tube (Bruker BioSpin srl) for analysis.