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MB Sample ID: SA273866

Local Sample ID:8
Subject ID:SU002829
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090

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Collection ID:CO002822
Collection Summary:Two human stool donors were selected based on their inflammation profile which occurred prior to gut microbial community profiling. Female germ- free (GF) C57BL/6J mice, originally purchased from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME) were housed and bred at the American Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care-accredited Animal Resource Center at Montana State University. Mice were held in individually ventilated cages with sterile bedding before and after fecal transplantation from selected human stool donors. Two female mice received an inoculation with fecal material from a human donor categorized as having low or high systemic inflammation based on serum levels of six proinflammatory cytokines. Human donor stool slurry aliquots were administered to GF mice through oral gavage. Sexually mature male GF C57BL/6J mice were added to each cage approximately one week after transplantation. Male mice removed prior to birth of pups. Pups from the inoculated dams were co-housed by sex (3 – 5 mice/cage) with different microbial inoculations placed in separate isolators. Mice from each microbial inoculation were assigned to one of two juice groups: Aronia (ARO LO , = 3, ARO HI , n=5), or a sugar-matched juice (CON LO ,n=3, CON HI , n = 3). Weekly measurements of body weight and food and fluid intake were recorded. Blood samples were collected at the same interval into serum separating tubes. Whole blood was allowed to clot for 15 minutes before centrifugation at 1200 RPM for 15 minutes with resulting serum aliquoted and stored at -80ºC until analysis. After T8 sample collection, mice were euthanized via rapid CO 2 asphyxiation.
Sample Type:Blood (serum)