Summary of all studies

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(#: Contains untargeted data)     Results per page:
Study ID
Study Title
(* : Contains raw data)
ST003728 Identification and quantification of a m7G modification in T. kodakarensis ribosomal RNA Thermococcus kodakarensis New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 58 Uploaded data (28.7M)*
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ST003727 Identification of modified nucleosides in mRNA-enriched archaeal samples Thermococcus kodakarensis, Thermococcus sp. AM4, Methanococcus maripaludis, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Sulfolobus islandicus New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 42 Uploaded data (15.3M)*
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ST003726 RNA modification profiles in archaeal and non-archaeal species Thermococcus kodakarensis, Thermococcus sp. AM4, Methanococcus maripaludis, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Sulfolobus islandicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 45 Uploaded data (44.8M)*
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ST003725 Identification of temperature-sensitive modifications in Thermococcus kodakarensis Thermococcus kodakarensis New England Biolabs LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 196 Uploaded data (227.4M)*
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ST003719 Differential network analysis integrates pathway mapping to characterize dynamic metabolic changes in the progression of diabetic complications Rattus norvegicus Xiamen university NMR# 2025-02-13 1 153 Uploaded data (86.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003718 Metabolomics of plasma and tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) of tumors from Lyz2-Cre(+/+);Arg1(fl/fl) mice. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 22 Uploaded data (306.7M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003717 Lipidomics analysis of mouse pancreatic cancer cells cultured RPMI, TIFM, or TIFM + arginine under lipid deprivation Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.6G)*
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ST003716 Lipidomics analysis of mice treated with tung or safflower oil by oral gavage. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 24 Uploaded data (13.2G)*
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ST003715 Lipidomics analysis of mouse PDAC cell lines treated with tung oil Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.5G)*
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ST003714 Lipidomics analysis of mouse PDAC cell lines treated with alpha-eleostearic acid Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 18 Uploaded data (5.5G)*
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ST003709 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the PANIC cohort (children 11-17 years) Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-14 1 354 Uploaded data (7.8G)*
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ST003706 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the OPERA corhort Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-14 1 164 Uploaded data (1.7G)*
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ST003702 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion using Csf1r conditional KO Mus musculus University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-11 1 12 Uploaded data (61M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003698 Impact of High Fat diet-induced metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) on Heart, Kidney and Skeletal Muscle Metabolomes in Wild-type Mice Mus musculus Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB UC) NMR# 2025-02-03 1 131 Uploaded data (59.5M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003695 Metabolomics studies on mouse cecum samples on a Western diet Mus musculus University of Sydney LC-MS 2025-02-13 1 35 Uploaded data (15.6M)*
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ST003687 Cross-sectional salivary metabolomics of the Fin-HIT corhort Homo sapiens Ghent University LC-MS# 2025-02-13 1 582 Uploaded data (4.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003685 Investigation of C. elegans adah-1 gene for potential adenosine demainaseme activity via quantification of predicted substrate and product in control animals and animals with knockdown in expression of adah-1 Caenorhabditis elegans Pennsylvania State University LC-MS 2025-02-14 1 38 Uploaded data (20.3G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003683 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from mouse plasma samples Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (1.4G)*
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ST003681 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from human fecal samples Homo sapiens University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-28 1 5 Uploaded data (547.9M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003680 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from CMT experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 16 Uploaded data (11.5G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003679 Ketogenic diet suppresses colorectal cancer through the gut microbiome long chain fatty acid stearate - untargeted LCMS data from SPF experiment Mus musculus University of Luxembourg LC-MS 2025-01-27 1 17 Uploaded data (5.1G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003675 Polar Metabolite Profiles Distinguish Between Early and Severe Sub-maintenance Nutritional States of Wild Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis canadensis Montana State University NMR 2025-02-11 1 398 Not available
ST003674 Metabolomic and lipoproteomic differences and similarities among different types of pneumonia Homo sapiens University of Florence NMR 2025-02-11 1 45 Uploaded data (694.8M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003673 Identification of plasma metabolites responding to oxycodone exposure in rats Rattus norvegicus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 31 Not available
ST003672 Advanced Lipidomics Using UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Reveals Novel Lipids in Hibernating Syrian Hamsters Mesocricetus auratus Universidad CEU San Pablo LC-MS 2025-02-05 1 19 Uploaded data (766.4M)*
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ST003666 TGFB1-mediated intercellular signaling fuels cooperative cellular invasion Homo sapiens Emory University LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 8 Uploaded data (1.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003664 Tumour interstitial fluid-enriched phosphoethanolamine suppresses T cell function. Mus musculus University of Chicago LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 100 Uploaded data (4.9G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003663 Metabolic and Morphometric Analysis of Allometric and Total Liver Growth in Post-Hatch Chickens Gallus gallus University of Delaware GC-MS 2025-02-05 1 206 Uploaded data (2.2G)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003661 Lipidomics facilitates the discovery of diagnostic biomarkers in patients with chronic total occlusion during the perioperative period Homo sapiens Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 63 Uploaded data (64.3M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003660 Kingdom-specific lipid unsaturation calibrates sequence evolution in membrane arm subunits of eukaryotic respiratory complexes Homo sapiens CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology LC-MS 2025-01-16 1 62 Uploaded data (14.1M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003659 The native small molecule interaction landscape of transcription factors and essential enzymes in E. coli Escherichia coli University of Toronto LC-MS# 2025-01-26 1 1440 Uploaded data (27.3G)*
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ST003658 Functional analysis of retinal pigment epithelial cells with PNPLA6 knockdown Homo sapiens University of Tokyo LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 16 Uploaded data (746.9K)*
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ST003654 Rapid and Reagent-free Analysis of Dried Blood Spot by Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry Reveals Sex: Implications in Forensic Investigations. Homo sapiens Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati PSI-MS# 2025-01-12 1 200 Uploaded data (5.8G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003653 Marine community metabolomes in the eastern tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone Marine microbes University of Washington, School of Oceanography LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 81 Uploaded data (4.2G)*
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ST003651 Biguanides antithetically regulate tumor properties by the dose-dependent mitochondrial reprogramming-driven c-Src pathway Homo sapiens Baylor College of Medicine LC-MS 2025-01-30 1 16 Uploaded data (24.3M)*
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ST003650 Investigation of the effects of 3-hydroxybutyrate on myoblast proliferation and differentiation using NMR-based metabolomics Mus musculus Xiamen University NMR# 2025-01-26 1 40 Uploaded data (27.3M)*
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ST003649 Untargeted metabolomics of Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) infected by Human adenovirus serotype 5 during early and late infection. Homo sapiens University of California, Merced GC-MS 2025-01-26 1 74 Not available
ST003648 Analysis of the role of PNPLA6 in the mouse retina Mus musculus University of Tokyo LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 8 Uploaded data (52.5K)*
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ST003647 Targeted mass spec-based metabolomic and clinical analyte analyses of liver and plasma samples from rats with and without hepatic knockdown of ChREBP expression. Rattus norvegicus Duke University LC-MS 2025-01-12 1 15 Uploaded data (6.5M)*
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ST003645 Targeting the c-MYC/ELOVL6 Pathway Alters Cell Membrane Mechanics and Enhances Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer Homo sapiens Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Hospital 12 de Octubre LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 17 Uploaded data (18M)*
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ST003644 Mouse epidermal lipidomics Mus musculus University of Pennsylvania LC-MS# 2025-01-13 1 40 Uploaded data (619.2M)*
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ST003643 Metabolite analysis for WT and BnaMYB52 mutants by LC-MS/MS Brassica napus Huazhong Agricultural University LC-MS 2025-01-26 1 19 Uploaded data (446.6K)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003642 Hexosamine Biosynthesis Disruption Impairs GPI Production and Arrests Plasmodium falciparum Growth at Schizont Stages Plasmodium falciparum Pennsylvania State University LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 20 Uploaded data (769.1M)*
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ST003641 The Spatial Transcriptional Activity of Hepatic TCF7L2 Regulates Zonated Metabolic Pathways that Contribute to Liver Fibrosis Mus musculus UT Health San Antonio LC-MS 2025-01-06 1 48 Uploaded data (30.2M)*
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ST003639 Multilevel Plasticity and Altered Glycosylation Drive Aggressiveness in Hypoxic and Glucose-Deprived Bladder Cancer Cells Homo sapiens Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto (IPO-Porto) LC-MS 2025-01-20 1 12 Uploaded data (2.4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003636 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (metabolomics) Homo sapiens Stanford University LC-MS 2025-01-14 1 113 Uploaded data (92G)*
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ST003635 Intracellular and supernatant metabolomes of ferroptotic Pfa1 cells using HPLC-MS/MS Mus musculus CECAD Research Center LC-MS 2024-12-31 1 124 Uploaded data (24G)*
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ST003634 NMR metabolomics confirms PRPS homooligomerization in PRPS2/PRPSAP1/PRPSAP2 triple knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts decreases flux through the nucleotide biosynthesis pathways Mus musculus University of Cincinnati College of Medicine NMR 2025-01-14 1 36 Uploaded data (19.6M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003633 1H-NMR-based Metabolomic Analysis of Hypersalinity-Induced Oviparity in Brine Shrimp Artemia salina National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology NMR 2025-01-13 1 12 Uploaded data (2.6M)*
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ST003630 Individual glycemic responses to carbohydrates vary and reflect underlying metabolic physiology (Lipidomics) Homo sapiens Stanford University MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-01-12 1 113 Uploaded data (13.8M)*
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ST003625 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Using 1,2-13C-glucose to measure PPP Flux in A549 cells (Part 3 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 60 Uploaded data (767.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003624 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Absolute Quantification of NADP+ and NADPH in A549 cells (Part 2 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 16 Uploaded data (181.1M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003623 NRF2 supports non-small cell lung cancer growth independently of CBP/p300-enhanced glutathione synthesis: Global metabolomics analysis on A549 cells at different NRF2 status (Part 1 of 3) Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 32 Uploaded data (333M)*
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ST003622 A multi-omic census reveals obesity-associated microRNA miR-let-7 as novel instigator of adipose mitochondrial dysfunction and of intergenerational metabolic decline. Mus musculus University of Southern Denmark LC-MS 2025-01-02 1 34 Uploaded data (3.6G)*
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ST003616 Non-Targeted Analysis of the Chemical Exposome During Pregnancy Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Homo sapiens NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS# 2024-12-30 1 166 Uploaded data (5G)*
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ST003615 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - C13 glucose traced metabolites analysis of postnatal day 0 livers after macropahges depletion Mus musculus University of Bonn GC-MS 2025-02-11 1 24 Uploaded data (6.5M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003614 Kupffer cells control neonatal hepatic glucose metabolism via Igf1 signaling - lipidomics analysis of postnatal day 0 murine livers after macropahges depletion Mus musculus University of Bonn MS(Dir. Inf.) 2025-02-11 1 10 Uploaded data (51.8M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003613 SLC7A5 is required for cancer cell growth in arginine-limited conditions Homo sapiens University of Utah LC-MS# 2024-12-18 1 12 Uploaded data (1.2G)*
(Data format:mzML, raw(Thermo))
ST003612 Candida auris planktonic and dispersed cells Chromatographic analysis using GC-MS Candida auris National Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt GC-MS 2024-12-27 1 2 Uploaded data (14.1M)*
(Data format:wmf (Windows Metafile Format))
ST003611 13C-tracing metabolomics of peritoneal macrophages 1hour after engulfment of 13C-labeled heat-killed E coli vs untreated peritoneal macrophages Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 10 Uploaded data (1.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003610 13C-tracing metabolomics of peritoneal macrophages 1hour and 2hours after engulfment of 13C-labeled heat-killed E coli Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 19 Uploaded data (2.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003609 13C-tracing of central energy metabolism in thymidine-auxotroph E. Coli Escherichia coli University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 6 Uploaded data (713.6M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003608 Global metabolomics to compare metabolic profiles of live vs heat-killed thymidine-auxotrophe E. Coli Escherichia coli University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 6 Uploaded data (704.8M)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003607 Global metabolomics and tracing of 13C-labeled metabolites of bone marrow derived macrophages following engulfment of dead 13C-labeled Citrobacter rodentium, Listeria innocua, Staphilococcus aureus, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 20 Uploaded data (2.6G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003606 Global metabolomics and tracing of E coli-derived metabolites following engulfment of live or heat-killed bacteria by bone marrow derived macrophages expressing constitutively active mutants of Kras or Hras Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 76 Uploaded data (6.4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003605 Global metabolomics and tracing of E coli-derived metabolites following engulfment of heat-killed bacteria by wild type or RagAGTP-deficient bone marrow derived macrophages. Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 36 Uploaded data (3.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003604 Investigation of global metabolites and E coli-derived metabolites following engulfment of dead bacteria by wild type or RagAGTP-expressing bone marrow derived macrophages. Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 44 Uploaded data (4.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003603 Comparison of metabolic responses in murine bone marrow derived macrophages upon LPS treatment versus following the engulfment of live or dead E coli. Mus musculus University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus LC-MS 2024-12-27 1 27 Uploaded data (2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003600 Development of Food Material Source Technology for Future Alternative Meats (Including Cultured Meat) Gallus gallus Sangmyung University LC-MS 2024-12-06 1 18 Uploaded data (4.5G)*
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ST003596 An Organism-Level Quantitative Flux Model of Energy Metabolism in Mice Mus musculus Harvard School of Public Health LC-MS 2024-12-30 1 442 Uploaded data (4G)*
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ST003595 Trifluoroacetate reduces plasma lipid levels and the development of atherosclerosis in mice Mus musculus Scripps Research LC-MS# 2024-12-18 1 20 Uploaded data (6.1G)*
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ST003590 Metabolomics of Drosophila melanogaster under manganese (Mn) exposure (body) Drosophila melanogaster Columbia University LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 38 Uploaded data (16.6G)*
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ST003589 Metabolomics of Drosophila melanogaster under manganese (Mn) exposure (head) Drosophila melanogaster Columbia University LC-MS# 2024-12-31 1 38 Uploaded data (15.3G)*
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ST003588 Mitochondria complex III is essential for IL-10 secretion in macrophages independent of respiration Mus musculus Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine LC-MS 2024-12-20 1 55 Uploaded data (4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003587 Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Metabolomic-Based Clinical Prediction of Preterm Birth Homo sapiens University of Calgary LC-MS 2024-12-12 1 150 Uploaded data (1.2G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003586 Metabolomics of the murine liver Mus musculus Teikyo University CE-MS 2024-12-06 1 8 Not available
ST003585 Glutaminase 1 (GLS1)-based therapy targets glutamine reliance in glioblastoma (GBM)- cell line assays supernants Homo sapiens ITQB NOVA NMR 2024-12-20 1 16 Uploaded data (15M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003584 Glucagon is a major controller of metabolism and malignancy in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (pNET) cells Homo sapiens ITQB NOVA NMR 2024-12-20 1 36 Uploaded data (22.4M)*
(Data format:fid)
ST003580 Metabolomic profiling of normal and fibrotic mouse lungs Mus musculus University of Alabama, Birmingham LC-MS 2024-12-02 1 24 Uploaded data (508.1K)
ST003577 Multi ‘omics indicate depth-discrete partitioning of nitrogen metabolism in a toxic Planktothrix rubescens bloom in the winter water column University of Tennessee LC-MS 2024-11-20 1 12 Uploaded data (598.6M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003576 Comparison of the capillary and venous blood lipidomes- validation of the Tasso SST capillary blood collection device for circulating lipid biomarker analysis Homo sapiens University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences LC-MS# 2024-12-06 1 20 Uploaded data (668M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003575 Lipidomic Profiling of a Preclinical Model of Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Mus musculus Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute LC-MS 2025-02-13 1 17 Uploaded data (64.9M)*
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ST003572 Dietary sugar supplementation in mice enhances the availability of many circulating lipids including lysophosphatidylcholines Mus musculus Washington University in St. Louis LC-MS 2024-11-27 1 19 Uploaded data (76.3M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003571 Hepatocytes transform fructose into lipids that can metabolized by cancer cells Human (Homo sapiens), Mouse (Mus musculus) Washington University in St. Louis LC-MS 2024-11-27 1 13 Uploaded data (35M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003569 Differentially regulated metabolites in colorectal cancer from Rosa26Hmga1/+ and Hmga1IEC-OE/+mice Mus musculus Henan University LC-MS# 2024-12-02 1 6 Uploaded data (492.6M)*
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ST003568 Differentially regulated metabolites in intestinal epithelial cells from Hmga1flox/flox and Hmga1△IEC mice Mus musculus Henan University LC-MS# 2024-12-02 1 6 Uploaded data (764.5M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003567 Enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (ZmENR1) expression level is critical for de novo fatty acid biosynthesis and anther cuticle and pollen exine formation in maize. Zea mays University of Science and Technology Beijing GC-MS 2024-11-12 1 21 Uploaded data (67.9M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003566 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss Mus musculus NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS 2025-02-03 1 102 Uploaded data (41.7G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003565 Metaboloomics analysis of the antimalarial compound WEHI-1888504 (aka compound 59) in Plasmodium falciparum (3D7) infected red blood cells Plasmodium falciparum Monash University LC-MS 2024-12-02 1 13 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003564 Metabolomics of Papanicolaou Tests for the Discovery of Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers Homo sapiens Georgia Institute of Technology LC-MS# 2024-11-27 1 46 Uploaded data (25.6G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003563 Metabolic changes in imbibed seeds of malting barley produced under drought or elevated temperature Hordeum vulgare INRAE GC-MS 2024-12-31 1 27 Uploaded data (568.1M)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003562 Multiple, redundant carboxylic acid transporters support mitochondrial metabolism in Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium falciparum Pennsylvania State University LC-MS 2024-11-20 1 164 Uploaded data (5.7G)*
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ST003560 Poplar leaf bud resin metabolomics: Seasonal profiling of leaf bud chemistry in Populus trichocarpa provides insight into resin biosynthesis Populus trichocarpa University of Victoria LC-MS# 2024-12-02 1 191 Uploaded data (4G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003559 Metabolomics and N-methyl-arginine uptake in control (siNTC) and cationic amino acid transporter knockdown HEK293 cells. Homo sapiens University of British Columbia LC-MS 2024-11-15 1 64 Uploaded data (13.2G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003558 Competitive inhibition of N-methyl-arginine uptake in HEK293 cells treated with cationic and neutral amino acids. Homo sapiens University of British Columbia LC-MS 2024-11-15 1 60 Uploaded data (1.4G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003557 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- mice administered PBS or N-methyl-arginine (80 mg/kg) via a single intraperitoneal injection. Mus musculus University of British Columbia LC-MS 2024-11-15 1 39 Uploaded data (8G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003556 Metabolomics analysis of conditioned media from N-methyl-arginine-treated HEK293 control (sgTomato) and ALDH7A1-deficient (sgALDH7A1) cells. Homo sapiens University of British Columbia LC-MS 2024-11-15 1 48 Uploaded data (9.1G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003554 Investigation of age-dependent changes in the brain of honeybee workers using targeted metabolomics for amino acid and biogenic amine determination Apis mellifera Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research LC-MS 2024-11-27 1 194 Uploaded data (4.8M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003553 Investigation of age-dependent changes in the gut of honeybee workers using targeted metabolomics for amino acid and biogenic amine determination Apis mellifera Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research LC-MS 2024-11-27 1 194 Uploaded data (5.5M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003552 Investigation of age-dependent changes in the gut of honeybee workers using targeted metabolomics for SCFA determination Apis mellifera Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research LC-MS 2024-11-27 1 194 Uploaded data (10.3M)*
(Data format:wiff)