Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 3985

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR001047 ST001637 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Mammal Mus musculus LPC O-18:0; [Data]
PR001047 ST001888 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Mammal Mus musculus LPC O-18:0; [Data]
PR000079 ST000089 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: UHPLC-QTOF MS analysis Human cells Homo sapiens Lyso-PAF C-18 [Data]
PR000820 ST001223 Host Metabolic Response in Early Lyme Disease Human Homo sapiens Lyso-PAF C18 [Data]
PR000939 ST001373 Targeting Sirt2 reprograms T cell metabolism for effective immune response Mammal Mus musculus BETAINE;L-NORVALINE [Data]