MGP Database


Ontology/Pathway Information

Entrez Gene ID207
Gene Namev-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1
Gene Symbol AKT1
SpeciesHomo sapiens
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005911 IEA:EnsemblCcell-cell junction
GO:0036064 IEA:EnsemblCciliary basal body
GO:0005737 IDA:UniProtKBCcytoplasm
GO:0005829 IDA:UniProtKBCcytosol
GO:0015630 IDA:HPACmicrotubule cytoskeleton
GO:0005739 IEA:EnsemblCmitochondrion
GO:0005654 IDA:HPACnucleoplasm
GO:0005634 IDA:UniProtKBCnucleus
GO:0005886 IDA:UniProtKBCplasma membrane
GO:0005819 IEA:EnsemblCspindle
GO:0071889 IPI:UniProtKBF14-3-3 protein binding
GO:0005524 IDA:UniProtKBFATP binding
GO:0019899 ISS:BHF-UCLFenzyme binding
GO:0042802 IPI:IntActFidentical protein binding
GO:0016301 IDA:MGIFkinase activity
GO:0030235 IMP:BHF-UCLFnitric-oxide synthase regulator activity
GO:0005547 IDA:UniProtKBFphosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate binding
GO:0043325 IDA:UniProtKBFphosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate binding
GO:0004672 TAS:ProtIncFprotein kinase activity
GO:0004674 IDA:UniProtKBFprotein serine/threonine kinase activity
GO:0004712 IDA:MGIFprotein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0006924 IMP:MGIPactivation-induced cell death of T cells
GO:0007568 IEA:EnsemblPaging
GO:0008637 IEA:EnsemblPapoptotic mitochondrial changes
GO:0006915 TAS:ReactomePapoptotic process
GO:0007596 TAS:ReactomePblood coagulation
GO:0030154 TAS:UniProtKBPcell differentiation
GO:0030030 IEA:EnsemblPcell projection organization
GO:0008283 TAS:UniProtKBPcell proliferation
GO:0006464 TAS:ProtIncPcellular protein modification process
GO:0071364 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus
GO:0097011 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus
GO:0071456 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to hypoxia
GO:0032869 IMP:BHF-UCLPcellular response to insulin stimulus
GO:0071260 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to mechanical stimulus
GO:0071407 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to organic cyclic compound
GO:0031018 TAS:ReactomePendocrine pancreas development
GO:0007173 TAS:ReactomePepidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0097194 IEA:EnsemblPexecution phase of apoptosis
GO:0038095 TAS:ReactomePFc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway
GO:0008543 TAS:ReactomePfibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0010467 TAS:ReactomePgene expression
GO:0007281 IEA:EnsemblPgerm cell development
GO:0042593 IEA:EnsemblPglucose homeostasis
GO:0006006 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPglucose metabolic process
GO:0015758 IEA:EnsemblPglucose transport
GO:0005978 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPglycogen biosynthetic process
GO:0060709 IEA:EnsemblPglycogen cell differentiation involved in embryonic placenta development
GO:0007186 TAS:ProtIncPG-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
GO:0030212 IEA:EnsemblPhyaluronan metabolic process
GO:0006954 IEA:EnsemblPinflammatory response
GO:0045087 TAS:ReactomePinnate immune response
GO:0048009 IMP:UniProtKBPinsulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0008286 IMP:UniProtKBPinsulin receptor signaling pathway
GO:0035556 IDA:MGIPintracellular signal transduction
GO:0097193 TAS:ReactomePintrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0060716 IEA:EnsemblPlabyrinthine layer blood vessel development
GO:0060644 TAS:UniProtKBPmammary gland epithelial cell differentiation
GO:0001893 IEA:EnsemblPmaternal placenta development
GO:0061024 TAS:ReactomePmembrane organization
GO:0016071 TAS:ReactomePmRNA metabolic process
GO:0043066 IDA:UniProtKBPnegative regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0010507 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of autophagy
GO:0045792 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of cell size
GO:0043154 ISS:UniProtKBPnegative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
GO:0010951 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of endopeptidase activity
GO:2001240 TAS:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand
GO:0031999 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation
GO:0046329 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of JNK cascade
GO:1901215 NAS:ParkinsonsUK-UCLPnegative regulation of neuron death
GO:1902176 NAS:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of oxidative stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0010748 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of plasma membrane long-chain fatty acid transport
GO:0006469 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of protein kinase activity
GO:0045861 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of proteolysis
GO:0090201 ISS:UniProtKBPnegative regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria
GO:0048011 TAS:ReactomePneurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006809 TAS:ProtIncPnitric oxide biosynthetic process
GO:0046209 TAS:ReactomePnitric oxide metabolic process
GO:0001649 IEA:EnsemblPosteoblast differentiation
GO:0018105 IDA:UniProtKBPpeptidyl-serine phosphorylation
GO:0032287 IEA:EnsemblPperipheral nervous system myelin maintenance
GO:0048015 TAS:ReactomePphosphatidylinositol-mediated signaling
GO:0016310 IDA:UniProtKBPphosphorylation
GO:0030168 TAS:ReactomePplatelet activation
GO:0043536 IDA:DFLATPpositive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration
GO:0030307 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of cell growth
GO:0032270 ISS:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process
GO:0031659 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity involved in G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle
GO:0001938 IMP:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation
GO:0090004 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of establishment of protein localization to plasma membrane
GO:0045600 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of fat cell differentiation
GO:0046326 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of glucose import
GO:0010907 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of glucose metabolic process
GO:0045725 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process
GO:0046889 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0045429 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process
GO:0051000 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
GO:0033138 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation
GO:0032436 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:1900740 TAS:ReactomePpositive regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane involved in apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0001934 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of protein phosphorylation
GO:0051091 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO:0010765 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of sodium ion transport
GO:0045944 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0045907 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of vasoconstriction
GO:0046777 TAS:UniProtKBPprotein autophosphorylation
GO:0030163 IEA:EnsemblPprotein catabolic process
GO:0000060 IMP:UniProtKBPprotein import into nucleus, translocation
GO:0043491 IEA:EnsemblPprotein kinase B signaling
GO:0006468 IDA:UniProtKBPprotein phosphorylation
GO:0016567 IEA:EnsemblPprotein ubiquitination
GO:1901976 TAS:UniProtKBPregulation of cell cycle checkpoint
GO:0030334 IMP:UniProtKBPregulation of cell migration
GO:0005979 IMP:BHF-UCLPregulation of glycogen biosynthetic process
GO:0010975 ISS:UniProtKBPregulation of neuron projection development
GO:0050999 TAS:ReactomePregulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
GO:0006417 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPregulation of translation
GO:0034405 IMP:BHF-UCLPresponse to fluid shear stress
GO:0032094 IEA:EnsemblPresponse to food
GO:0009408 TAS:ProtIncPresponse to heat
GO:0006979 ISS:ParkinsonsUK-UCLPresponse to oxidative stress
GO:0070141 IDA:BHF-UCLPresponse to UV-A
GO:0016070 TAS:ReactomePRNA metabolic process
GO:0007165 TAS:UniProtKBPsignal transduction
GO:0044281 TAS:ReactomePsmall molecule metabolic process
GO:0051146 IEA:EnsemblPstriated muscle cell differentiation
GO:0031295 TAS:ReactomePT cell costimulation
GO:0006412 IEA:EnsemblPtranslation
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
REACT_549Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria
REACT_697Activation of BH3-only proteins
REACT_75774Adaptive Immune System
REACT_13655AKT-mediated inactivation of FOXO1A
REACT_12564AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol
REACT_12442AKT phosphorylates targets in the nucleus
REACT_24915Butyrate Response Factor 1 (BRF1) destabilizes mRNA
REACT_19183CD28 co-stimulation
REACT_19358CD28 dependent PI3K/Akt signaling
REACT_147727Constitutive PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer
REACT_19344Costimulation by the CD28 family
REACT_19405CTLA4 inhibitory signaling
REACT_147694DAP12 interactions
REACT_147814DAP12 signaling
REACT_264178deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex
REACT_111045Developmental Biology
REACT_115662Downregulation of ERBB2:ERBB3 signaling
REACT_118638Downstream signaling events of B Cell Receptor (BCR)
REACT_21272Downstream signaling of activated FGFR
REACT_17025Downstream signal transduction
REACT_12477eNOS activation
REACT_12389eNOS activation and regulation
REACT_163936Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling
REACT_12578GAB1 signalosome
REACT_19290G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma
REACT_71Gene Expression
REACT_19184GPCR downstream signaling
REACT_19388G-protein beta:gamma signalling
REACT_1695GPVI-mediated activation cascade
REACT_6900Immune System
REACT_6802Innate Immune System
REACT_15523Integrin alphaIIb beta3 signaling
REACT_964Intrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
REACT_25042KSRP destabilizes mRNA
REACT_11123Membrane Trafficking
REACT_12508Metabolism of nitric oxide
REACT_264594misspliced LRP5 mutants have enhanced beta-catenin-dependent signaling
REACT_12447Negative regulation of the PI3K/AKT network
REACT_12056NGF signalling via TRKA from the plasma membrane
REACT_12464PI3K/AKT activation
REACT_147723PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer
REACT_21270PI-3K cascade
REACT_116008PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling
REACT_115961PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling
REACT_75829PIP3 activates AKT signaling
REACT_798Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation
REACT_278Platelet Aggregation (Plug Formation)
REACT_268456Programmed Cell Death
REACT_13698Regulation of beta-cell development
REACT_13819Regulation of gene expression in beta cells
REACT_24994Regulation of mRNA stability by proteins that bind AU-rich elements
REACT_264378RNF mutants show enhanced WNT signaling and proliferation
REACT_163769Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization
REACT_9417Signaling by EGFR
REACT_115871Signaling by EGFR in Cancer
REACT_268269Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer
REACT_115755Signaling by ERBB2
REACT_115596Signaling by ERBB4
REACT_9470Signaling by FGFR
REACT_120736Signaling by FGFR in disease
REACT_14797Signaling by GPCR
REACT_268006Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer
REACT_268546Signaling by Overexpressed Wild-Type EGFR in Cancer
REACT_16888Signaling by PDGF
REACT_111040Signaling by SCF-KIT
REACT_118773Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
REACT_12529Signaling by VEGF
REACT_11045Signaling by Wnt
REACT_264125Signaling by WNT in cancer
REACT_11061Signalling by NGF
REACT_111102Signal Transduction
REACT_264596TCF dependent signaling in response to WNT
REACT_111176Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation
REACT_147867Translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane
REACT_264464VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway
REACT_263991VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability
REACT_264356XAV939 inhibits tankyrase, stabilizing AXIN
SMP Pathway Links
SMP IDDescription
SMP00358Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells
SMP00391Insulin Signalling
SMP00320Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2a and Adenosine
SMP00321Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2b and Adenosine
SMP00682Leucine Stimulation on Insulin Signaling