MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP000288 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
612149801 RefSeq NP_001278358 181 apoptosis regulator BAX gamma
612149787 RefSeq NP_001278357 221 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform 1
20631958 RefSeq NP_620116 192 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform alpha
4757838 RefSeq NP_004315 218 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform beta
20631964 RefSeq NP_620118 143 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform delta
612149804 RefSeq NP_001278359 140 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform lambda
242117893 RefSeq NP_620119 179 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform sigma
612149806 RefSeq NP_001278360 114 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform zeta
Identical Sequences to MGP000288 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:4757838 is identical to DBBJ BAI46883.1 218 BCL2-associated X protein, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:20631964 is identical to GenBank AAC50142.1 143 BAX delta
GI:242117893 is identical to GenBank AAF71267.1 179 bax-sigma
GI:612149806 is identical to GenBank AAF82094.1 114 Bax zeta
GI:4757838 is identical to GenBank AAX41520.1 218 BCL2-associated X protein [synthetic construct]
GI:4757838 is identical to GenBank ABC13422.1 218 Sequence 9 from patent US 6964199
GI:242117893 is identical to GenBank EAW52417.1 179 BCL2-associated X protein, isoform CRA_c
GI:20631964 is identical to GenBank EAW52420.1 143 BCL2-associated X protein, isoform CRA_e
GI:612149804 is identical to GenBank ADZ05507.1 140 BCL2-associated X protein theta
GI:4757838 is identical to GenBank AFO14940.1 218 Sequence 424 from patent US 8211634
GI:20631958 is identical to GenBank AGU30750.1 192 Sequence 56 from patent US 8506948
GI:20631958 is identical to GenBank AHD27535.1 192 Sequence 3 from patent US 8562993
GI:20631958 is identical to GenBank AIC48347.1 192 BAX, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:20631958 is identical to PDB 2LR1 192 Chain A, Structural Mechanism For Bax Inhibition By Cytomegalovirus Protein Vmia
GI:242117893 is identical to RefSeq XP_004061159.1 179 PREDICTED: apoptosis regulator BAX isoform 2 [Gorilla gorilla gorilla]
GI:20631964 is identical to RefSeq XP_004061160.1 143 PREDICTED: apoptosis regulator BAX isoform 3 [Gorilla gorilla gorilla]
GI:20631964 is identical to RefSeq XP_004415147.1 143 PREDICTED: apoptosis regulator BAX isoform 3 [Odobenus rosmarus divergens]
GI:612149806 is identical to RefSeq XP_008567536.1 114 PREDICTED: apoptosis regulator BAX isoform X2 [Galeopterus variegatus]
GI:612149787 is identical to RefSeq XP_008965158.1 221 PREDICTED: apoptosis regulator BAX isoform X1 [Pan paniscus]
Related Sequences to MGP000288 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:612149806 is related to GenBank AAA03620.1 218 Bax beta
GI:612149806 is related to GenBank AAE53472.1 221 Sequence 9 from patent US 6140484
GI:612149806 is related to pat US 192 Sequence 25 from patent US 5702897
GI:612149806 is related to RefSeq NP_004315.1 218 apoptosis regulator BAX isoform beta