MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP000547 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
91106928 RefSeq NP_001035025 332 beta-chimaerin isoform 1
641386930 RefSeq NP_001280006 260 beta-chimaerin isoform 10
641386932 RefSeq NP_001280007 228 beta-chimaerin isoform 11
641386934 RefSeq NP_001280008 197 beta-chimaerin isoform 12
641386936 RefSeq NP_001280009 286 beta-chimaerin isoform 13
641386938 RefSeq NP_001280010 261 beta-chimaerin isoform 14
4757980 RefSeq NP_004058 468 beta-chimaerin isoform 2
641386916 RefSeq NP_001279998 543 beta-chimaerin isoform 3
641386918 RefSeq NP_001279999 481 beta-chimaerin isoform 4
641386920 RefSeq NP_001280000 433 beta-chimaerin isoform 5
641386922 RefSeq NP_001280001 453 beta-chimaerin isoform 6
641386924 RefSeq NP_001280002 287 beta-chimaerin isoform 7
641386926 RefSeq NP_001280004 241 beta-chimaerin isoform 8
641386928 RefSeq NP_001280005 274 beta-chimaerin isoform 9
Identical Sequences to MGP000547 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:641386918 is identical to DBBJ BAH11636.1 481 unnamed protein product
GI:641386922 is identical to DBBJ BAH11655.1 453 unnamed protein product
GI:641386924 is identical to DBBJ BAH14401.1 287 unnamed protein product
GI:641386924 is identical to GenBank ACF04989.1 287 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex7p
GI:641386926 is identical to GenBank ACF04990.1 241 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex7p,11
GI:641386928 is identical to GenBank ACF04991.1 274 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex9
GI:641386932 is identical to GenBank ACF04992.1 228 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex9,11
GI:641386930 is identical to GenBank ACF04993.1 260 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex10-11
GI:641386934 is identical to GenBank ACF04994.1 197 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex11-12
GI:641386936 is identical to GenBank ACF04995.1 286 beta chimaerin isoform B1-CHNdel ex11
GI:641386916 is identical to GenBank ADK47390.1 543 beta3-chimaerin
GI:4757980 is identical to GenBank JAB19452.1 468 beta-chimaerin isoform 2 [Callithrix jacchus]
GI:4757980 is identical to GenBank JAB23938.1 468 beta-chimaerin isoform 2 [Callithrix jacchus]
GI:4757980 is identical to GenBank JAB45987.1 468 beta-chimaerin isoform 2 [Callithrix jacchus]
GI:4757980 is identical to GenBank AHD71318.1 468 Sequence 6012 from patent US 8586006
GI:641386918 is identical to RefSeq XP_004045284.1 481 PREDICTED: beta-chimaerin [Gorilla gorilla gorilla]
Related Sequences to MGP000547 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:641386918 is related to GenBank AAA19191.1 466 beta2-chimaerin
GI:641386918 is related to GenBank AAA16836.1 466 beta2-chimaerin
GI:641386918 is related to PDB 1XA6 466 Chain A, Crystal Structure Of The Human Beta2-Chimaerin
GI:641386918 is related to RefSeq NP_004058.1 468 beta-chimaerin isoform 2