MGP Database


Ontology/Pathway Information

Entrez Gene ID1950
Gene Nameepidermal growth factor
Gene Symbol EGF
SpeciesHomo sapiens
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005576 IC:UniProtKBCextracellular region
GO:0005615 IDA:UniProtKBCextracellular space
GO:0070062 IDA:UniProtKBCextracellular vesicular exosome
GO:0016021 IEA:UniProtKB-KWCintegral component of membrane
GO:0005765 IDA:UniProtKBClysosomal membrane
GO:0005886 TAS:ProtIncCplasma membrane
GO:0031093 TAS:ReactomeCplatelet alpha granule lumen
GO:0005509 IEA:InterProFcalcium ion binding
GO:0005154 TAS:UniProtKBFepidermal growth factor receptor binding
GO:0008083 IDA:HGNCFgrowth factor activity
GO:0030297 TAS:UniProtKBFtransmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activator activity
GO:0000186 IEA:EnsemblPactivation of MAPKK activity
GO:0007171 TAS:GOCPactivation of transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0001525 IDA:HGNCPangiogenesis
GO:0007596 TAS:ReactomePblood coagulation
GO:0048754 IEA:EnsemblPbranching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube
GO:0006260 TAS:ProtIncPDNA replication
GO:0007173 TAS:ReactomePepidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0070371 IDA:UniProtKBPERK1 and ERK2 cascade
GO:0038095 TAS:ReactomePFc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway
GO:0008543 TAS:ReactomePfibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0045087 TAS:ReactomePinnate immune response
GO:0060749 IEA:EnsemblPmammary gland alveolus development
GO:0090370 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of cholesterol efflux
GO:0042059 TAS:ReactomePnegative regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
GO:0051048 IDA:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of secretion
GO:0048011 TAS:ReactomePneurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway
GO:0018108 IEA:EnsemblPpeptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
GO:0048015 TAS:ReactomePphosphatidylinositol-mediated signaling
GO:0030168 TAS:ReactomePplatelet activation
GO:0002576 TAS:ReactomePplatelet degranulation
GO:0035413 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of catenin import into nucleus
GO:0008284 IDA:HGNCPpositive regulation of cell proliferation
GO:0021940 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation
GO:0043388 ISS:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of DNA binding
GO:0045741 TAS:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity
GO:1900127 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process
GO:0043406 IDA:HGNCPpositive regulation of MAP kinase activity
GO:0045840 IDA:HGNCPpositive regulation of mitosis
GO:0010800 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation
GO:0042327 IDA:HGNCPpositive regulation of phosphorylation
GO:2000060 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0045893 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0090279 IDA:BHF-UCLPregulation of calcium ion import
GO:2000008 IDA:BHF-UCLPregulation of protein localization to cell surface
GO:0007165 TAS:ReactomePsignal transduction
GO:0007262 ISS:UniProtKBPSTAT protein import into nucleus
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
REACT_75774Adaptive Immune System
REACT_147727Constitutive PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer
REACT_267817Constitutive Signaling by EGFRvIII
REACT_115852Constitutive Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Cancer Variants
REACT_147694DAP12 interactions
REACT_147814DAP12 signaling
REACT_118638Downstream signaling events of B Cell Receptor (BCR)
REACT_21272Downstream signaling of activated FGFR
REACT_17025Downstream signal transduction
REACT_12484EGFR downregulation
REACT_12478EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma
REACT_163936Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signaling
REACT_12578GAB1 signalosome
REACT_12606GRB2 events in EGFR signaling
REACT_115854GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling
REACT_6900Immune System
REACT_268595Inhibition of Signaling by Overexpressed EGFR
REACT_6802Innate Immune System
REACT_12056NGF signalling via TRKA from the plasma membrane
REACT_12464PI3K/AKT activation
REACT_147723PI3K/AKT Signaling in Cancer
REACT_21270PI-3K cascade
REACT_116008PI3K events in ERBB2 signaling
REACT_115961PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling
REACT_75829PIP3 activates AKT signaling
REACT_798Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation
REACT_318Platelet degranulation
REACT_115720PLCG1 events in ERBB2 signaling
REACT_1280Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+
REACT_163769Role of LAT2/NTAL/LAB on calcium mobilization
REACT_12579SHC1 events in EGFR signaling
REACT_115993SHC1 events in ERBB2 signaling
REACT_9417Signaling by EGFR
REACT_115871Signaling by EGFR in Cancer
REACT_268269Signaling by EGFRvIII in Cancer
REACT_115755Signaling by ERBB2
REACT_115596Signaling by ERBB4
REACT_9470Signaling by FGFR
REACT_120736Signaling by FGFR in disease
REACT_268006Signaling by Ligand-Responsive EGFR Variants in Cancer
REACT_268546Signaling by Overexpressed Wild-Type EGFR in Cancer
REACT_16888Signaling by PDGF
REACT_111040Signaling by SCF-KIT
REACT_118773Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)
REACT_11061Signalling by NGF
REACT_111102Signal Transduction