MGP Database


Ontology/Pathway Information

Entrez Gene ID4088
Gene NameSMAD family member 3
Gene Symbol SMAD3
SpeciesHomo sapiens
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005737 IDA:UniProtKBCcytoplasm
GO:0005829 TAS:ReactomeCcytosol
GO:0000790 IDA:BHF-UCLCnuclear chromatin
GO:0005637 IDA:UniProtKBCnuclear inner membrane
GO:0005654 IDA:HPACnucleoplasm
GO:0005634 IDA:UniProtKBCnucleus
GO:0005886 IEA:EnsemblCplasma membrane
GO:0043235 IMP:BHF-UCLCreceptor complex
GO:0071144 IDA:BHF-UCLCSMAD2-SMAD3 protein complex
GO:0071141 IDA:UniProtKBCSMAD protein complex
GO:0005667 IDA:UniProtKBCtranscription factor complex
GO:0008013 IPI:BHF-UCLFbeta-catenin binding
GO:0043425 IPI:BHF-UCLFbHLH transcription factor binding
GO:0031490 IEA:EnsemblFchromatin DNA binding
GO:0000987 IDA:UniProtKBFcore promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0070410 IPI:BHF-UCLFco-SMAD binding
GO:0003690 IEA:EnsemblFdouble-stranded DNA binding
GO:0035326 IC:BHF-UCLFenhancer binding
GO:0042802 IPI:IntActFidentical protein binding
GO:0019902 IPI:UniProtKBFphosphatase binding
GO:0042803 IPI:BHF-UCLFprotein homodimerization activity
GO:0019901 IPI:UniProtKBFprotein kinase binding
GO:0001102 IPI:BHF-UCLFRNA polymerase II activating transcription factor binding
GO:0000978 IDA:NTNU_SBFRNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0000983 IDA:NTNU_SBFRNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO:0070412 IPI:UniProtKBFR-SMAD binding
GO:0043565 IDA:BHF-UCLFsequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0003700 IDA:UniProtKBFsequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO:0008134 IPI:BHF-UCLFtranscription factor binding
GO:0044212 IDA:BHF-UCLFtranscription regulatory region DNA binding
GO:0005160 IPI:BHF-UCLFtransforming growth factor beta receptor binding
GO:0030618 IDA:BHF-UCLFtransforming growth factor beta receptor, pathway-specific cytoplasmic mediator activity
GO:0043130 IDA:UniProtKBFubiquitin binding
GO:0031625 IPI:BHF-UCLFubiquitin protein ligase binding
GO:0008270 IDA:UniProtKBFzinc ion binding
GO:0006919 IMP:BHF-UCLPactivation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
GO:0097296 IEA:EnsemblPactivation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0032924 IMP:BHF-UCLPactivin receptor signaling pathway
GO:0045216 IMP:BHF-UCLPcell-cell junction organization
GO:0007050 IMP:BHF-UCLPcell cycle arrest
GO:0048589 IEA:EnsemblPdevelopmental growth
GO:0048701 IEA:EnsemblPembryonic cranial skeleton morphogenesis
GO:0048617 IEA:EnsemblPembryonic foregut morphogenesis
GO:0009880 IEA:EnsemblPembryonic pattern specification
GO:0007492 IEA:EnsemblPendoderm development
GO:0019049 IDA:BHF-UCLPevasion or tolerance of host defenses by virus
GO:0097191 IMP:BHF-UCLPextrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0010467 TAS:ReactomePgene expression
GO:0001947 IEA:EnsemblPheart looping
GO:0006955 IMP:BHF-UCLPimmune response
GO:0002520 IEA:EnsemblPimmune system development
GO:0035556 IDA:GOCPintracellular signal transduction
GO:0001701 IEA:EnsemblPin utero embryonic development
GO:0070306 IEA:EnsemblPlens fiber cell differentiation
GO:0001889 IEA:EnsemblPliver development
GO:0001707 IEA:EnsemblPmesoderm formation
GO:0043066 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0030308 IDA:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of cell growth
GO:0050728 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of inflammatory response
GO:0045930 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of mitotic cell cycle
GO:0045668 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of osteoblast differentiation
GO:0033689 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of osteoblast proliferation
GO:0042177 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of protein catabolic process
GO:0001933 IMP:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of protein phosphorylation
GO:0000122 IDA:BHF-UCLPnegative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0030512 TAS:ReactomePnegative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0061045 IEA:EnsemblPnegative regulation of wound healing
GO:0038092 IMP:BHF-UCLPnodal signaling pathway
GO:0002076 IEA:EnsemblPosteoblast development
GO:0048340 IEA:EnsemblPparaxial mesoderm morphogenesis
GO:0060039 IEA:EnsemblPpericardium development
GO:0010694 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity
GO:0030501 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of bone mineralization
GO:0090263 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway
GO:0035413 IMP:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of catenin import into nucleus
GO:0030335 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of cell migration
GO:0032332 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of chondrocyte differentiation
GO:0010718 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition
GO:0051894 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of focal adhesion assembly
GO:0010628 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of gene expression
GO:1901313 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of gene expression involved in extracellular matrix organization
GO:0032731 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of interleukin-1 beta production
GO:0050927 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of positive chemotaxis
GO:0051496 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of stress fiber assembly
GO:0045893 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0042993 IDA:BHF-UCLPpositive regulation of transcription factor import into nucleus
GO:0045944 IDA:UniProtKBPpositive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0032916 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of transforming growth factor beta3 production
GO:0031053 TAS:BHF-UCLPprimary miRNA processing
GO:0050821 IMP:BHF-UCLPprotein stabilization
GO:0051098 IEA:EnsemblPregulation of binding
GO:0050678 IEA:EnsemblPregulation of epithelial cell proliferation
GO:0050776 IEA:EnsemblPregulation of immune response
GO:0016202 IEA:EnsemblPregulation of striated muscle tissue development
GO:0006357 IDA:NTNU_SBPregulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0032909 IMP:BHF-UCLPregulation of transforming growth factor beta2 production
GO:0017015 IMP:BHF-UCLPregulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0001666 IMP:BHF-UCLPresponse to hypoxia
GO:0023019 IEA:EnsemblPsignal transduction involved in regulation of gene expression
GO:0007183 IDA:BHF-UCLPSMAD protein complex assembly
GO:0001756 IEA:EnsemblPsomitogenesis
GO:0042110 IEA:EnsemblPT cell activation
GO:0030878 IEA:EnsemblPthyroid gland development
GO:0006351 TAS:ReactomePtranscription, DNA-templated
GO:0006367 TAS:ReactomePtranscription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0060290 IEA:EnsemblPtransdifferentiation
GO:0007179 IDA:UniProtKBPtransforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
GO:0006810 IDA:BHF-UCLPtransport
GO:0001657 IEA:EnsemblPureteric bud development
GO:0042060 TAS:BHF-UCLPwound healing
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
REACT_111045Developmental Biology
REACT_121111Downregulation of SMAD2/3:SMAD4 transcriptional activity
REACT_120727Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling
REACT_71Gene Expression
REACT_12627Generic Transcription Pathway
REACT_169398Loss of Function of SMAD2/3 in Cancer
REACT_169219Loss of Function of SMAD4 in Cancer
REACT_169311Loss of Function of TGFBR1 in Cancer
REACT_169435Loss of Function of TGFBR2 in Cancer
REACT_150238Signaling by Activin
REACT_111057Signaling by NODAL
REACT_6844Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex
REACT_169122Signaling by TGF-beta Receptor Complex in Cancer
REACT_111102Signal Transduction
REACT_169165SMAD2/3 MH2 Domain Mutants in Cancer
REACT_169103SMAD2/3 Phosphorylation Motif Mutants in Cancer
REACT_120734SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer regulates transcription
REACT_169107SMAD4 MH2 Domain Mutants in Cancer
REACT_120850TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs
REACT_169263TGFBR1 KD Mutants in Cancer
REACT_169445TGFBR1 LBD Mutants in Cancer
REACT_169440TGFBR2 Kinase Domain Mutants in Cancer
REACT_169192TGFBR2 MSI Frameshift Mutants in Cancer
REACT_121061Transcriptional activity of SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer