MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP001981 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
257471027 RefSeq NP_060876 5412 mucin-4 isoform a precursor
112382233 RefSeq NP_004523 1176 mucin-4 isoform d precursor
112382231 RefSeq NP_612154 1125 mucin-4 isoform e precursor
Related Sequences to MGP001981 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:112382231 is related to EMBL CAB85605.1 1176 MUC4/Y apomucin
GI:112382231 is related to EMBL CAB85606.1 1125 MUC4/X apomucin
GI:112382231 is related to GenBank ACM97129.1 1176 Sequence 21 from patent US 7473531
GI:112382231 is related to SwissProt Q99102.4 2169 RecName: Full=Mucin-4; Short=MUC-4; AltName: Full=Ascites sialoglycoprotein; Short=ASGP; AltName: Full=Pancreatic adenocarcinoma mucin; AltName: Full=Testis mucin; AltName: Full=Tracheobronchial mucin; Contains: RecName: Full=Mucin-4 alpha chain; AltName: Full=Ascites sialoglycoprotein 1; Short=ASGP-1; Contains: RecName: Full=Mucin-4 beta chain; AltName: Full=Ascites sialoglycoprotein 2; Short=ASGP-2; Flags: Precursor