MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP002766 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
4506815 RefSeq NP_001029 669 amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha isoform 1
227430289 RefSeq NP_001153048 728 amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha isoform 2
227430287 RefSeq NP_001153047 692 amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha isoform 3
Identical Sequences to MGP002766 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:227430287 is identical to DBBJ BAG65217.1 692 unnamed protein product
GI:227430289 is identical to GenBank EAW88803.1 728 sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 alpha, isoform CRA_a
GI:4506815 is identical to GenBank ACS13721.1 669 amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha 2
GI:4506815 is identical to GenBank ADS30818.1 669 Sequence 1350 from patent US 7781168
GI:4506815 is identical to GenBank AFL58910.1 669 Sequence 4 from patent US 8105792
GI:4506815 is identical to GenBank AFO05906.1 669 Sequence 544 from patent US 8216786
Related Sequences to MGP002766 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:227430287 is related to EMBL CAB07505.1 669 amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit
GI:227430287 is related to GenBank AAD28355.1 669 epithelial sodium channel alpha-subunit
GI:227430287 is related to GenBank AAH06526.2 711 SCNN1A protein, partial
GI:227430287 is related to RefSeq NP_001029.1 669 amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha isoform 1