MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP003166 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
187173288 RefSeq NP_003274 278 troponin T, slow skeletal muscle isoform a
187173290 RefSeq NP_001119604 262 troponin T, slow skeletal muscle isoform b
187173292 RefSeq NP_001119605 251 troponin T, slow skeletal muscle isoform c
Identical Sequences to MGP003166 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:187173292 is identical to EMBL CAA09750.1 251 slow skeletal muscle troponin T
GI:187173290 is identical to EMBL CAA09751.1 262 slow skeletal muscle troponin T
GI:187173288 is identical to EMBL CAA09752.1 278 slow skeletal muscle troponin T
GI:187173290 is identical to GenBank AAH10963.1 262 TNNT1 protein
GI:187173290 is identical to GenBank AAH34143.1 262 TNNT1 protein
GI:187173292 is identical to GenBank AAV38436.1 251 troponin T1, skeletal, slow
GI:187173292 is identical to GenBank AAX41246.1 251 troponin T1 skeletal slow [synthetic construct]
GI:187173290 is identical to GenBank AIC49884.1 262 TNNT1, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:187173292 is identical to RefSeq NP_001278703.1 251 troponin T, slow skeletal muscle isoform c
GI:187173288 is identical to SwissProt P13805.4 278 RecName: Full=Troponin T, slow skeletal muscle; Short=TnTs; AltName: Full=Slow skeletal muscle troponin T; Short=sTnT
Related Sequences to MGP003166 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:187173288 is related to GenBank AAA61204.1 278 slow skeletal muscle troponin T
GI:187173288 is related to GenBank AAA61205.1 251 slow skeletal muscle troponin T
GI:187173288 is related to GenBank AAB30272.1 262 troponin T
GI:187173288 is related to GenBank AAB30273.1 251 troponin T slow isoform