MGP Database


UniProt Annotations

Entry Information
Gene Nameubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein
Protein Entry
UniProt ID
Comment typeDescription
FunctionThis is a component of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex (complex III or cytochrome b-c1 complex), which is part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. This protein may mediate formation of the complex between cytochromes c and c1.
SimilarityBelongs to the UQCRH/QCR6 family. {ECO:0000305}.
Subcellular LocationMitochondrion inner membrane.
SubunitThe bc1 complex contains 11 subunits: 3 respiratory subunits (cytochrome b, cytochrome c1 and Rieske/UQCRFS1), 2 core proteins (UQCRC1/QCR1 and UQCRC2/QCR2) and 6 low-molecular weight proteins (UQCRH/QCR6, UQCRB/QCR7, UQCRQ/QCR8, UQCR10/QCR9, UQCR11/QCR10 and a cleavage product of Rieske/UQCRFS1).