MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP003667 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
134142828 RefSeq NP_003791 597 mRNA-capping enzyme isoform a
556695469 RefSeq NP_001273355 574 mRNA-capping enzyme isoform b
556695381 RefSeq NP_001273357 514 mRNA-capping enzyme isoform c
Identical Sequences to MGP003667 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:556695381 is identical to DBBJ BAG61660.1 514 unnamed protein product
GI:556695469 is identical to GenBank EAW48569.1 574 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase, isoform CRA_b
GI:134142828 is identical to GenBank JAA12747.1 597 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase [Pan troglodytes]
GI:134142828 is identical to GenBank JAA31019.1 597 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase [Pan troglodytes]
GI:134142828 is identical to GenBank JAA42814.1 597 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase [Pan troglodytes]
GI:134142828 is identical to GenBank JAA42815.1 597 RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase [Pan troglodytes]
GI:556695469 is identical to RefSeq XP_003258372.1 574 PREDICTED: mRNA-capping enzyme isoform 2 [Nomascus leucogenys]
GI:556695469 is identical to RefSeq XP_003311427.1 574 PREDICTED: mRNA-capping enzyme isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:556695469 is identical to RefSeq XP_003822913.1 574 PREDICTED: mRNA-capping enzyme isoform X2 [Pan paniscus]
GI:556695381 is identical to RefSeq XP_009240355.1 514 PREDICTED: mRNA-capping enzyme isoform X2 [Pongo abelii]
Related Sequences to MGP003667 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:556695469 is related to DBBJ BAA25894.1 597 capping enzyme 1
GI:556695469 is related to DBBJ BAA25895.1 574 capping enzyme 1A
GI:556695469 is related to RefSeq NP_003791.3 597 mRNA-capping enzyme isoform a
GI:556695469 is related to SwissProt O60942.1 597 RecName: Full=mRNA-capping enzyme; AltName: Full=HCAP1; AltName: Full=HCE; Includes: RecName: Full=Polynucleotide 5'-triphosphatase; AltName: Full=mRNA 5'-triphosphatase; Short=TPase; Includes: RecName: Full=mRNA guanylyltransferase; AltName: Full=GTP--RNA guanylyltransferase; Short=GTase