MGP Database


Ontology/Pathway Information

Entrez Gene ID23097
Gene Namecyclin-dependent kinase 19
Gene Symbol CDK19
SpeciesHomo sapiens
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005524 IEA:UniProtKB-KWFATP binding
GO:0004693 IEA:UniProtKB-ECFcyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
REACT_111045Developmental Biology
REACT_22279Fatty acid, triacylglycerol, and ketone body metabolism
REACT_22258Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins
REACT_116145PPARA activates gene expression
REACT_19241Regulation of lipid metabolism by Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha)
REACT_27161Transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiation