Orthologs for SLC39A14

Entrez Gene ID Gene SymbolProtein GIMGP recordSPECIES
23516 SLC39A14 205830424 MGP004694 Human
429550 SLC39A14 513240058 Chicken
464044 SLC39A14 332825703 Chimpanzee
515437 SLC39A14 148234192 Cow
486124 SLC39A14 545542503 Dog
213053 Slc39a14 47059049 Mouse
306009 Slc39a14 157822301 Rat
100038282 slc39a14 148232074 Xenopus
View homologs of SLC39A14 via Homologene

Multiple alignments for protein sequences from SLC39A14 via Homologene

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