Orthologs for SLC38A4

Entrez Gene ID Gene SymbolProtein GIMGP recordSPECIES
55089 SLC38A4 219689132 MGP005370 Human
417809 SLC38A4 313760563 Chicken
451853 SLC38A4 114645111 Chimpanzee
527476 SLC38A4 329664184 Cow
486595 SLC38A4 545545780 Dog
69354 Slc38a4 31543737 Mouse
170573 Slc38a4 18543357 Rat
702354 SLC38A4 109096262 Rhesus monkey
449771 slc38a4 350994398 Zebrafish
View homologs of SLC38A4 via Homologene

Multiple alignments for protein sequences from SLC38A4 via Homologene

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