Orthologs for SLC14A2

Entrez Gene ID Gene SymbolProtein GIMGP recordSPECIES
8170 SLC14A2 157694503 MGP003463 Human
770445 SLC14A2 513228339 Chicken
455392 SLC14A2 332849815 Chimpanzee
537150 SLC14A2 221136905 Cow
490471 SLC14A2 545505806 Dog
27411 Slc14a2 159131880 Mouse
54302 Slc14a2 159110938 Rat
695078 SLC14A2 109122056 Rhesus monkey
326634 slc14a2 66472708 Zebrafish
View homologs of SLC14A2 via Homologene

Multiple alignments for protein sequences from SLC14A2 via Homologene

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