Study-specific Protocols

These protocols have been submitted in association with experimental studies and projects. Browse and sort the full list of protocols, or use the form to search by keyword or phrase.

Click the File ID to access protocol details, including a list of studies that use that protocol and, for studies that have been released, an option to download the protocol.
Fields searched: Analysis, Metabolite Class, Sample Type, Process, Institute, Comments (case insensitive)
File ID
Metabolite Class
Sample Type
620MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Vanderbilt University Medical Center
621MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Vanderbilt University Medical Center
774MS - E.Coli isolates MS Vanderbilt University
789MS Mouse Brain Sample prep Vanderbilt University
951MS - - - Vanderbilt University
603MS Human Blood Chromatography USDA
843MS Mouse Blood Sample prep USDA
844MS Mouse Blood Analysis USDA
845MS Mouse Blood Chromatography USDA
668MS Mouse Cultured cells Sample prep Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham
755MS Marine Plankton Cultured cells Sample prep/MS University of Washington
756MS Marine Plankton Cultured cells Chromatography University of Washington
757MS Marine Plankton Cultured cells Analysis University of Washington
820MS Natural mixed marine microbial community Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Chromatography University of Washington
821MS Natural mixed marine microbial community Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Analysis University of Washington
822MS Nitzschia lecointei Diatom cells/Particulate matter from sea ice cores Chromatography University of Washington
823MS Nitzschia lecointei Diatom cells/Particulate matter from sea ice cores Chromatography University of Washington
841MS Algae Cultured cells and vesicles MS University of Washington
842MS Algae Cultured cells and vesicles Chromatography University of Washington
961MS - - - University of Washington
920MS - - - University of Utah School of Medicine
852MS Human T-cell metabolites T-cells Chromatography University of Turku
853MS Human T-cell metabolites T-cells Sample Preparation University of Turku
854MS Human T-cell metabolites T-cells Treatment University of Turku
914MS - - - University of Pennsylvania
882MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
883MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
519NMR Cat Exhaled breath condensate and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid Sample prep University of Missouri-Columbia
848MS Escherichia coli Bacterial cells Sample Preparation University of Minnesota
783MS Human Platelets Sample prep University of Michigan; University of Mississippi; University of Minnesota
784MS Human Platelets Sample prep University of Michigan; University of Mississippi; University of Minnesota
14MS Human Cells Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
16MS Human Cells Sample prep/LC-MS University of Michigan
17MS Human Cells Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
18MS Rat Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (plasma) Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
19MS Rat Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS University of Michigan
20MS Rat Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (plasma) Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
96MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS University of Michigan
102MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
108MS Human Breast cancer cells Sample prep/LC-MS University of Michigan
109MS Human Breast cancer cells Analysis/LC-MS University of Michigan
261MS Human Cells Acquisition Parameters File University of Michigan
262MS Human Cells Processing Parameters File University of Michigan
263MS Human Cells Sample prep/MS University of Michigan
264MS Human Cells Processing Parameters File University of Michigan
265MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
266MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
267MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
269MS Human Tissue Sample prep/MS University of Michigan
271MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/MS University of Michigan
277MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
278MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
285MS E.coli Ecoli cells Analysis University of Michigan
286MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
287MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
290MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
291MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
295MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
296MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
297MS Ovis aries metabolites smooth muscle cells Analysis University of Michigan
298MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
299MS Mouse Bone marrow cells Analysis University of Michigan
301MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
304MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
305MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
306MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
307MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
308MS Chicken Intestinal secretions Analysis University of Michigan
309MS Rat Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
310MS Rat Feces Analysis University of Michigan
311MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
312MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
313MS Mouse Liver Analysis University of Michigan
315MS Mouse Liver Analysis University of Michigan
316MS Mouse Flushing Analysis University of Michigan
317MS Mouse Cecum Analysis University of Michigan
318MS Mouse Liver and Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
319MS Mouse Liver and Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
320MS Mouse Liver and Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
321MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
322MS Mouse Muscle tissue Analysis University of Michigan
323MS Mouse Bone marrow cells Analysis University of Michigan
324MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
326MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
327MS Human Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Analysis University of Michigan
328MS Bacteria Bacterial cells Analysis University of Michigan
329MS Mouse Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
330MS Mouse cecum Analysis University of Michigan
331MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
332MS Mouse Macrophages Analysis University of Michigan
333MS Human Tissue Analysis University of Michigan
335MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
337MS Mouse Cecum Analysis University of Michigan
338MS Mouse Feces Analysis University of Michigan
340MS Mouse Cell Line Analysis University of Michigan
341MS Mouse Liver Analysis University of Michigan
342MS Mouse Liver Analysis University of Michigan
343MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
344MS Human Cells Analysis University of Michigan
345MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
398MS Drosophila Tissue Analysis University of Michigan
399MS Mouse Tissue Analysis University of Michigan
400MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Michigan
403MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
404MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
405MS Human Feces Analysis University of Michigan
406MS Human Cell Line Analysis University of Michigan
408MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
409MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
410MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Analysis University of Michigan
418MS Mouse Liver, MFE Cells Analysis University of Michigan
437MS Mouse, human Lung Fiboblasts Analysis University of Michigan
438MS Mouse, human Cells, skeletal muscles, Lung Fibroblasts, plasma Analysis University of Michigan
439MS Human, chicken Cecum, fecal bile acids Analysis University of Michigan
440MS Human Tissue with different psoriasis status Analysis University of Michigan
441MS Mouse, human Mouse stool samples, human blood Analysis University of Michigan
443MS Mouse, rat Mouse (Epididymal white adipose tissue, liver, Inguinal white adipose tissue , Blood (plasma) ) Rat (Tissues) Analysis University of Michigan
499MS Mouse short chain fatty acids Tumors Chromatography University of Michigan
501MS Mouse Tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
502MS Mouse Tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
520MS Human Intestine Chromatography University of Michigan
525MS Human Tumor neurospheres cell lines Analysis University of Michigan
526MS Human Glioblastoma cells Analysis University of Michigan
527MS Mouse, human Blood (plasma) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) Chromatography University of Michigan
531MS Rat Intestinal lipid Sample prep University of Michigan
534MS Mouse Glioma cell lines and tumor tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
535MS Mouse Glioma cell lines and tumor tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
556MS Drosophila Fly brain tissue Chromatography University of Michigan
557MS Drosophila Fly brain tissue Chromatography University of Michigan
558MS Drosophila Fly brain tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
572MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
573MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Michigan
586MS Mouse Adipose tissue Chromatography University of Michigan
594NMR Mouse Blood Collection University of Michigan
595NMR Mouse Blood Collection University of Michigan
604MS - Various Sample prep University of Michigan
608MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
610MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
611MS Human Astrocytes Sample prep University of Michigan
612MS Human Lung Sample prep University of Michigan
613MS Human Lung Sample prep University of Michigan
614MS Mouse Retina tissue and Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Michigan
615MS Mouse Bile acids Sample prep University of Michigan
616MS Mouse Bile acids Analysis University of Michigan
618MS Rat Retinal tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
619MS Human Urine metabolites Sample prep University of Michigan
625MS - Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
626MS - Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
629MS - Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
642MS Human Blood (plasma), feces, cells, tissue Sample prep University of Michigan
644MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep University of Michigan
645MS Human Blood (serum) Chromatography University of Michigan
646MS Human Blood (serum) Chromatography University of Michigan
660MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
661MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
662MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
663MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
665MS Human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Michigan
683MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep University of Michigan
710MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep University of Michigan
765MS Human Feces, Serum, Colon Sample prep University of Michigan
766MS Human Feces, Serum, Colon Sample prep University of Michigan
767MS Human Feces, Serum, Colon MS University of Michigan
778MS Mouse Feces Sample prep University of Michigan
779MS Mouse Feces Sample prep University of Michigan
794NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
795NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
796NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
797NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
798NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
799NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
800NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
801NMR Human Blood Sample prep University of Michigan
819MS Human Cultured cells Sample prep University of Michigan
878MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of Michigan
879MS - Unspecified MS University of Michigan
904MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of Michigan
906MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of Michigan
684MS Mouse Retinal tissue Sample prep University of Miami
667MS Xenopus Laevis Embryo cells Sample prep University of Maryland, College Park
714MS Human Media collection from plate Sample prep/MS University of Kentucky
715MS Human Media collection from plate Treatment/MS University of Kentucky
716MS Human Media collection from plate Collection/MS University of Kentucky
717MS Human Media collection from plate Sample prep/MS University of Kentucky
718MS Human Media collection from plate Sample prep/MS University of Kentucky
220MS Human Media collection from plate Collection/MS University of Kentucky
165NMR/MS Human A549 cells Sample treatment/MS/NMR University of Kentucky
166NMR/MS Human A549 cells Sample collection/MS/NMR University of Kentucky
179NMR/MS Human A549 cells Sample prep/MS/NMR University of Kentucky
180NMR/MS Human A549 cells Sample prep/MS/NMR University of Kentucky
181NMR/MS Human A549 cells Sample prep/MS/NMR University of Kentucky
250MS Human Cell culture Sample prep/MS University of Kentucky
251MS Human Cell culture Collection University of Kentucky
252MS Human Cell culture Treatment University of Kentucky
254MS Human Cell culture Sample prep/MS University of Kentucky
494MS Human Tissue slices Treatment University of Kentucky
495MS Human Tissue slices Collection University of Kentucky
496MS Human Tissue slices Sample prep University of Kentucky
497MS - Retsch homogenization Collection University of Kentucky
498MS - Protein extraction and quantification Sample prep University of Kentucky
640NMR Human Breast cancer cells Sample prep University of Kentucky
641NMR Human Breast cancer cells Sample prep University of Kentucky
647MS Human Blood Collection University of Kentucky
736NMR Human Breast cancer cell line (MDA231) Collection University of Kentucky
737NMR Human Breast cancer cell line (MDA231) Sample prep University of Kentucky
738NMR Human Breast cancer cell line (MDA231) Sample prep University of Kentucky
897MS - Unspecified Sample prep UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS
898MS - Unspecified Sample prep UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS
899- - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS
900MS - Unspecified Analysis/GC-MS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS
901MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS
353NMR Pyruvic Acid Cells Analysis/Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) University of Georgia
354NMR Pyruvic Acid Cells Analysis/Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) University of Georgia
748MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Analysis University of Georgia
749MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Collection University of Georgia
750MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Sample prep University of Georgia
751MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Analysis University of Georgia
753MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Analysis University of Georgia
754MS C.elegans Liquid cultures of synchronized worms Analysis University of Georgia
807MS Human HepG cultured cells Sample prep University of Georgia
861MS Human metabolites Urine Collection University of Georgia
862MS Human metabolites Urine Sampleprep University of Georgia
863MS Human metabolites Urine Sampleprep University of Georgia
24NMR C. elegans Worm serum Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
95NMR C. elegans Worm serum Analysis/NMR University of Florida
117MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep/ HILIC-MS University of Florida
201MS C.elegans Worm pellets Collection University of Florida
209NMR Synthetic metabolites Synthetic metabolites mixture Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
241MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/MS University of Florida
242MS Human Blood Sample prep/MS University of Florida
245MS Human Cells Sample prep/MS University of Florida
246MS Maize Zea mays Sample prep/MS University of Florida
247MS Maize Zea mays Sample prep/MS University of Florida
248MS Maize Zea mays Sample prep/MS University of Florida
249MS Maize Zea mays Sample prep/MS University of Florida
279MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Florida
282MS Mouse Cells Analysis University of Florida
346MS Lipids Blood (plasma) Matyash Extraction and RPLC-MS University of Florida
347MS Broad spectrum Blood (plasma) Protein precipitation University of Florida
351MS Testosterone Blood (plasma) Derivitization and Sample prep University of Florida
352MS Lipids Cells Folch Extraction University of Florida
373NMR Broad spectrum Urine Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
374NMR Broad spectrum Blood (plasma) Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
375NMR Broad spectrum Urine Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
376NMR Broad spectrum Blood (plasma) Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
377NMR Broad spectrum Blood (plasma) Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
378NMR Broad spectrum Urine Sample prep/NMR University of Florida
380MS Rat Brain Sample prep University of Florida
381MS Rat Brain Chromatography University of Florida
384MS Rat Brain Sample prep University of Florida
389MS Maize Plant cells Sample prep University of Florida
397MS Horse metabolites Blood (plasma) Treatment University of Florida
419MS Staphylococcus aureus Cells Collection University of Florida
420MS Staphylococcus aureus Cells Treatment University of Florida
421MS Staphylococcus aureus Cells Chromatography University of Florida
422MS Staphylococcus aureus Cells Chromatography University of Florida
450MS Human AML cell lines Treatment University of Florida
451MS Human AML cell lines Collection University of Florida
452MS Human Liver Chromatography University of Florida
481MS Mouse Liver and bone marrow Collection University of Florida
552MS Human HL-60 cells Sample prep University of Florida
555MS Rat Brain Sample prep University of Florida
559MS Human Blood Collection University of Florida
560MS Human Blood Treatment University of Florida
583MS Mouse Cultured primary cells Chromatography University of Florida
648MS Insect Aphaenogaster picea Whole tissue Sample prep University of Florida
649MS Insect Aphaenogaster picea Whole tissue Sample prep University of Florida
711NMR Drosophila Whole Bodies Collection University of Florida
712NMR Drosophila Whole Bodies Collection University of Florida
713NMR Drosophila Whole Bodies Collection University of Florida
719MS Sarcophaga crassipalpis Whole fly Analysis University of Florida
720MS Maize Maize kernel, maize starchy endosperm Analysis University of Florida
721MS Maize Maize starchy endosperm Analysis University of Florida
722MS Maize, C. transvaalensis Zea mays (Maize kernel), C. transvaalensis (Plant root tissue) Analysis University of Florida
724MS Candida albicans Cells Analysis University of Florida
725MS Streptococcus mutans, mouse Streptococcus mutans cells,mouse muscle Analysis University of Florida
727MS Mouse, human Mouse (muscle tissue), Human (Liver) Analysis University of Florida
730MS Cow, mouse, human Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Florida
731MS Human Urine and Blood (plasma) Analysis University of Florida
733MS C.elegans Worm pellets Collection University of Florida
880MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of Florida
910MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS University of Florida
1036NMR - - - University of Florida
769MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Colorado Denver
770MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Colorado Denver
771MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Colorado Denver
772MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Colorado Denver
773MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of Colorado Denver
775MS Human Cerebrospinal fluid Chromatography University of Colorado Denver
681MS Mouse Cultured cells Treatment University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center
682MS Mouse Cultured cells Treatment University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center
885MS - Unspecified Sample prep University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
886MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
651MS Mouse Pancreatic Islets Collection University of California, San Diego
120MS Mouse Blood (plasma) Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
122MS Human Breast cells Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
126MS Human Ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
128MS Human Ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
130MS Human Fat Tissue Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
135MS Human Cerebrospinal fluid Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
138MS Human Cell culture Sample prep/GCTOF-MS University of California, Davis
163MS Mouse Blood (plasma) Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
176MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
225MS S.enterica, E.coli Cells Analysis/MS University of California, Davis
226MS Rat Adrenal, liver, placenta, amniotic fluid, brain Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
227MS Mouse Blood (serum), adipose, heart, muscle and liver Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
231MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/MS University of California, Davis
484MS Mouse Antrum, corpus glands Treatment University of California, Davis
489MS Human Bronchoalveolar lavage supernatant Treatment University of California, Davis
490MS Cricetinae Serum free from the DG44 CHO cell line Treatment University of California, Davis
491MS Rat Blood collected by heart puncture Treatment University of California, Davis
492MS Human Renal tissue Sample prep University of California, Davis
493MS Human Renal tissue Treatment University of California, Davis
503MS Human Cells Sample prep University of California, Davis
504MS Human Blood Treatment University of California, Davis
505MS Human Blood Treatment University of California, Davis
537MS Mouse Bone marrow macrophages Collection University of California, Davis
546MS Human Liver Analysis University of California, Davis
550MS Human Blood (serum) Collection University of California, Davis
551MS Human Blood (plasma) Collection University of California, Davis
561MS Bile acids Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS University of California, Davis
562MS Ceramides (Sphingolipids) Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS University of California, Davis
563MS Endocannabinoids Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS University of California, Davis
599MS Mouse Liver Sample prep University of California, Davis
601MS Mouse Liver Chromatography University of California, Davis
606MS Human Blood (serum) Treatment University of California, Davis
607MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep University of California, Davis
622MS Mouse Kidney tissue Sample prep University of California, Davis
631MS Human Cells Treatment University of California, Davis
632MS Synechococcus elongatus (PCC 7942) Cells Collection University of California, Davis
633MS Chlorella minutissima Plant cells Treatment University of California, Davis
634MS E.coli Cells Collection University of California, Davis
636MS Mouse Cytosol, mitochondria Treatment University of California, Davis
637MS Synechococcus elongatus (PCC 7942) Cells Sample prep University of California, Davis
638MS Human Blood (serum) Analysis/LC-MS University of California, Davis
639MS Human Blood Collection University of California, Davis
652MS Auxenochlorella protothecoides cells Cultured cells Treatment University of California, Davis
653MS Auxenochlorella protothecoides cells Cultured cells Treatment University of California, Davis
654MS Auxenochlorella protothecoides cells Cultured cells Treatment University of California, Davis
655MS Auxenochlorella protothecoides cells Cultured cells Sample prep University of California, Davis
656MS Auxenochlorella protothecoides cells Cultured cells Treatment University of California, Davis
658MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of California, Davis
659MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep University of California, Davis
685MS Drosophila Head and Body Tissue Sample prep University of California, Davis
740MS Human Blood Sample prep University of California, Davis
190MS Human Ovarian cancer cells Analysis University of California Davis
191MS Human Ovarian cancer cells Analysis University of California Davis
192MS Human Ovarian cancer cells Sample prep University of California Davis
193MS Human Ovarian cancer cells Sample prep University of California Davis
423MS Rat Blood (plasma) and lung Chromatography University of California Davis
589MS Mouse Hypothalamus Sample prep University of California Davis
590MS Mouse Hypothalamus Sample prep University of California Davis
593MS Mouse Lung/Liver/Kidney tissue Chromatography University of California Davis
703MS Human Ovarian cancer cells Sample prep University of California Davis
704MS Mouse Liver Chromatography University of California Davis
705MS Mouse Liver Sample prep University of California Davis
707MS Elephant seal Blood Collection University of California Davis
708MS Elephant seal Blood Collection University of California Davis
709MS Elephant seal Blood Collection University of California Davis
810MS Human Stem cells Analysis University of Calgary
913MS - - - University of British Columbia
482MS Mouse Hind brain tissue Chromatography University at Buffalo
483MS Mouse Hind brain tissue Collection University at Buffalo
564- - Blood (plasma) - Universiry of Michigan
565- - Blood (plasma) - Universiry of Michigan
568- - Blood (plasma) - Universiry of Michigan
936MS - - - Universidade Federal do Paraná
937MS - - - Universidade Federal do Paraná
764MS Bumble Bee Whole insect Chromatography UC Riverside
454MS Bacteria Cells Treatment UCDavis
455MS Synechococcus elongatus (PCC 7942) Cells Treatment UCDavis
456MS Arabidopsis thaliana Plant cells Treatment UCDavis
457MS Arabidopsis thaliana Plant cells Sample prep UCDavis
467MS Arabidopsis thaliana Plant cells Chromatography UCDavis
471MS Cow Blood (plasma) Treatment UCDavis
472MS Cow Blood (plasma) Sample prep UCDavis
473MS Mouse Small intestine Treatment UCDavis
474MS Mouse prostate Treatment UCDavis
475MS Human Urine Treatment UCDavis
476MS Dog Rectum Treatment UCDavis
478MS Dog Intestine Chromatography UCDavis
479MS Mouse Blood (serum) Sample prep UCDavis
480MS Mouse Blood (serum) Treatment UCDavis
548MS Human Lung Sample prep UCDavis
68MS Primary metabolites below 1000 Da Metabolite reference standards Chromatography/MS UC Davis
428MS Human Umbilical cord plasma Collection UC Davis
429MS Mouse Blood (plasma), liver, hypothalmus, muscle, adipose Treatment UC Davis
539MS Primary metabolites Blood (plasma) Sample prep/GCMS UC Davis
540MS Primary metabolites Plant cells Sample prep/GCMS UC Davis
541MS Primary metabolites Blood (plasma), plant, tissue trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatization UC Davis
542MS Primary metabolites Blood (plasma), plant, tissue Quality Control / GCTOF UC Davis
543MS Lipids Blood (plasma) Sample prep / LCMS UC Davis
544MS Lipids Lipid internal standards lipid standard preparation UC Davis
545MS Lipids Blood (plasma) instrument prep_LC/MS UC Davis
728MS Mouse Cecum Analysis UC Davis
735MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep UC Davis
911NMR - - - The University of Georgia
924NMR - Urine - The University of Georgia
925NMR - Urine - The University of Georgia
926MS - Urine - The University of Georgia
666MS Mouse Cecum Sample prep The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
763NMR Mouse Cecum Sample prep The Pennsylvania State University
891MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS Sunway University
892MS - Unspecified Analysis/GC-MS Sunway University
881MS - Unspecified Treatment Stanford University
776MS Mouse Peritoneal fluid Chromatography School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto - University of São Paulo
984MS - - - San Pablo CEU University
985MS - - - San Pablo CEU University
348MS Amino Acids Biological fluids/tissue Sample prep Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute
349MS Acyl carnitines Biological fluids/tissue Sample prep Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute
350MS Organic Acids Biological fluids/tissue Sample prep Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute
571MS Amino Acids Amino Acids Sample prep Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute
79MS Human Breast cells Sample prep/MS RTI International
116MS Human Breast normal/cancer cells Sample prep/LC-MS RTI International
118MS Mouse FLT3-TID/MLL-ENL mice myeloid cells Sample prep/MS RTI International
119NMR Mouse Feces Sample prep/NMR RTI International
153MS Mouse Tissue Sample prep/MS RTI International
154MS Mouse Urine Sample prep/HILIC-MS RTI International
156MS Macaca fascicularis Ovary tissue Sample prep/MS RTI International
157MS Mouse Lung Sample prep/MS RTI International
160MS Macaca fascicularis Ovarian samples Sample prep/MS RTI International
162MS Mouse Feces Sample prep/MS RTI International
23NMR Human Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
28NMR Human Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
32NMR Human Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
35MS Amino acids and other small molecules Insect larvae Sample prep/MS RTI International
36NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Cecum Sample prep/NMR RTI International
37NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Liver Sample prep/NMR RTI International
38NMR Mouse Amino acids and other small molecules Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
39NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Cecum Sample prep/NMR RTI International
40NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Liver Sample prep/NMR RTI International
41NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (serum) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
42NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Cecum Sample prep/NMR RTI International
43NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Liver Sample prep/NMR RTI International
44NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (serum) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
46NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Blood (serum) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
47NMR Mouse Amino acids and other small molecules Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
48NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Cecum Sample prep/NMR RTI International
49NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Liver Sample prep/NMR RTI International
66NMR Amino acids and other small molecules Liver Sample prep/NMR RTI International
67MS Human Muscle Sample prep/MS RTI International
69NMR Broad spectrum Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
70MS Broad spectrum Blood (serum) Sample prep/LC-MS RTI International
85NMR Human Lung cancer cells Sample prep/NMR RTI International
86NMR Human Blood (serum) fetal cord Sample prep/NMR RTI International
87NMR Human Urine (infant frozen urine) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
88NMR Mayfly Mayfly larvae Sample prep/NMR RTI International
228NMR Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
229NMR Human Caco-2 cell culture Sample prep/NMR RTI International
232NMR Mouse myocardial endothelial cells (MEC) samples Sample prep/NMR RTI International
233NMR Camellia sinensis Green tea capsule Sample prep/NMR RTI International
234NMR Human Blood (serum) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
235NMR Human Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
236NMR Human Blood (cord blood) Sample prep/NMR RTI International
237NMR Human Urine Sample prep/NMR RTI International
243MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep/MS RTI International
244MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep/MS RTI International
239NMR Human Prostrate cells Sample prep/NMR Purdue University North Central
238MS Mouse Liver, small and large intestine, and feces Sample prep/MS Pennsylvania State University
674MS Human Cultured cells Treatment Pennsylvania State University
849MS Malaria metabolites Cultured cells Collection Pennsylvania State University
850MS Malaria metabolites Cultured cells Collection Pennsylvania State University
792MS Human Feces Sample prep/MS Pennsylvania state university
793MS Human Feces Sample prep/MS Pennsylvania state university
379MS Mouse Liver and Blood (serum) Sample prep Penn State University
672MS Mouse Liver Sample prep Penn State University
71MS Bile acids Liver Sample prep/LC-MS Penn State
74MS Acyl carnitines Liver Sample prep/LC-MS Penn State
75MS CoAs Liver Sample prep/LC-MS Penn State
847MS Mouse metabolites Lung Sample Preparation Ohio University
887MS - Lung - Ohio University
888MS - Lung - Ohio University
889MS - Unspecified Collection Ohio University
890MS - Lung - Ohio University
675MS Mouse Quadriceps Muscle Sample prep North-West University
676MS Mouse Quadriceps Muscle Sample prep North-West University
677NMR Mouse Quadriceps Muscle Sample prep North-West University
678NMR Mouse Quadriceps Muscle Analysis North-West University
680NMR Mouse Quadriceps Muscle Analysis North-West University
830MS Mouse Brain Sample prep North-West University
912MS - - - North-West University
273MS Mouse Bone marrow cells Sample prep/MS New York University
921MS - - - National University of Singapore
922- - - - National University of Singapore
923MS - - - National University of Singapore
804MS Mouse Liver Sample prep Michigan State University
805MS Mouse Liver Chromatography Michigan State University
806MS Mouse Liver Analysis Michigan State University
983MS - - - McGill University
183MS Ceramides (Sphingolipids) Blood (plasma) Sample prep/LC-MS Mayo Clinic
184MS Ceramides (Sphingolipids) Cells Sample prep/LC-MS Mayo Clinic
185MS Ceramides (Sphingolipids) Muscle homogenate Sample prep/LC-MS Mayo Clinic
268MS Mouse Muscle tissue Treatment Mayo Clinic
274NMR/MS Human Blood Sample prep/MS Mayo Clinic
275MS Rat Hepatocytes Treatment Mayo Clinic
723MS Human Blood (serum) and liver Chromatography Mayo Clinic
860MS - Cultured cells Collection Massachusetts General Hospital
741MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Feces Collection Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
742MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Feces Sample prep Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
743MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Feces Chromatography Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
744MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Feces Treatment/MS Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
746MS Mouse Blood (plasma), Feces Sample prep Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
864MS Mouse metabolites Intestine Analysis Imperial College London
825MS E.coli Bacterial cells MS IIT
826MS E.coli Bacterial cells Collection IIT
814MS Human Urine Sample prep Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
657MS Megalobrama amblycephala Blood (plasma) Treatment Huazhong Agricultural University
833MS Bacteria Feces Sample prep Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
834MS Bacteria Feces Chromatography Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
835MS Bacteria Feces Analysis Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
907MS - Unspecified MS Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
908MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
909MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
950MS - - - Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
739MS Mouse lung tissue and Blood (serum) Analysis Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
836MS Mouse Liver, Heart, Lung Analysis Guangdong University of Technology
837MS Mouse Liver, Heart, Lung Chromatography Guangdong University of Technology
838MS Mouse Liver, Heart, Lung Collection Guangdong University of Technology
839MS Mouse Liver, Heart, Lung Sample prep Guangdong University of Technology
840MS Mouse Liver, Heart, Lung Treatment Guangdong University of Technology
669NMR Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Giotto Biotech s.r.l.
670NMR Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Giotto Biotech s.r.l.
671NMR Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Giotto Biotech s.r.l.
915NMR - - - Georgia Institute of Technology
916NMR - - - Georgia Institute of Technology
815MS Bat liver Liver Chromatography Georgetown University
816MS Bat liver Liver Analysis Georgetown University
643NMR Horse Blood Sample prep French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
574MS Macaca mulatta Blood (whole) Sample prep Emory University
577MS Macaca mulatta Blood (whole) Chromatography Emory University
581MS Macaca mulatta Blood (whole) Chromatography Emory University
588MS Macaca mulatta Blood (plasma) analysis Emory University
602MS Mouse Lungs and Spleen Chromatography Emory University
747MS Human Blood (serum) Sample prep Emory University
760MS Human Blood (plasma) Sample prep Emory University
790MS Human Blood MS Emory University
791MS Human Blood Chromatography Emory University
927MS - - - Emory University
865MS Crayfish Hemolymph Collection Edith Cowan University
858MS Human metabolites Fibroblasts Sample Preparation École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
761MS Human Cultured cells Sample prep Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
762MS Human Cultured cells Analysis Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
902- - Unspecified Collection Duke University
905MS - Unspecified Collection Duke University
855MS Human metabolites Blood Sample Preparation Duke Universit
856MS Human metabolites Blood Sample Preparation Duke Universit
857MS Human metabolites Blood MS Duke Universit
894- - Unspecified Sample prep Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
893NMR - Unspecified Sample prep Dartmouth College
803MS Apple and orange juice Fruit juice Collection China Agricultural University
182MS Human Scalp biopsies Sample prep/MS Case Western Reserve University
686MS c c c c
385MS Rat, human Blood (serum) and urine Collection Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
386MS Rat, human Blood (serum) and urine Sample prep Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
387MS Rat, human Blood (serum) and urine Chromatography Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine
802MS Human HepG cultured cells Collection Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
785MS Rat Liver Sample prep Baylor College of Medicine
786MS Rat Liver Sample prep Baylor College of Medicine
787MS Rat Blood Sample prep Baylor College of Medicine
788MS Rat Blood Sample prep Baylor College of Medicine
650MS Rat Retinal tissue and optic nerves Sample prep Bascom Palmer Eye Insitute, University of Miami
824MS Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacterial cells Chromatography Arizona State University
827MS - Bacterial cells Collection Arizona State University
829MS Staphylococcus epidermidis Bacterial cells Collection Arizona State University
851MS Fungi metabolites Fungi cells Sample Preparation Arizona State University
846MS Soybean metabolites Soybean plant Sample Preparation Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
895MS - Unspecified Sample prep Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
453MS Mouse Blood (plasma) - -
869NMR - Unspecified Collection -
873MS - Unspecified Collection -
874MS - Unspecified Collection -
875MS - Unspecified Sample prep -
876MS - Unspecified Analysis/LC-MS -
896MS - Unspecified Treatment -
903MS - Unspecified MS -
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Number of records: 899
