MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP000377 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
169636420 RefSeq NP_001207 459 carbonic anhydrase 9 precursor
Identical Sequences to MGP000377 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:169636420 is identical to EMBL CBL94025.1 459 unnamed protein product
GI:169636420 is identical to GenBank EAW58359.1 459 carbonic anhydrase IX
GI:169636420 is identical to GenBank AED48099.1 459 Sequence 13 from patent US 7892760
GI:169636420 is identical to GenBank AFQ74363.1 459 Sequence 1 from patent US 8236320
Related Sequences to MGP000377 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:169636420 is related to SwissProt Q16790.2 459 RecName: Full=Carbonic anhydrase 9; AltName: Full=Carbonate dehydratase IX; AltName: Full=Carbonic anhydrase IX; Short=CA-IX; Short=CAIX; AltName: Full=Membrane antigen MN; AltName: Full=P54/58N; AltName: Full=Renal cell carcinoma-associated antigen G250; Short=RCC-associated antigen G250; AltName: Full=pMW1; Flags: Precursor