MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP001208 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
4504001 RefSeq NP_000156 382 gap junction alpha-1 protein
Identical Sequences to MGP001208 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:4504001 is identical to GenBank ADC00649.1 382 Sequence 115 from patent US 7629453
GI:4504001 is identical to GenBank AFQ82905.1 382 Sequence 14 from patent US 8247384
GI:4504001 is identical to GenBank AHE18752.1 382 Sequence 83 from patent US 8614309
GI:4504001 is identical to GenBank AIC54452.1 382 GJA1, partial [synthetic construct]
Related Sequences to MGP001208 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:4504001 is related to GenBank AAA52131.1 382 connexin 43
GI:4504001 is related to GenBank AAX42439.1 382 gap junction protein alpha 1 [synthetic construct]
GI:4504001 is related to SwissProt P17302.2 382 RecName: Full=Gap junction alpha-1 protein; AltName: Full=Connexin-43; Short=Cx43; AltName: Full=Gap junction 43 kDa heart protein