MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP001935 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
4505215 RefSeq NP_002412 469 interstitial collagenase isoform 1 preproprotein
225543094 RefSeq NP_001139410 403 interstitial collagenase isoform 2
Identical Sequences to MGP001935 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:225543094 is identical to DBBJ BAG60077.1 403 unnamed protein product
GI:4505215 is identical to GenBank AED39234.1 469 Sequence 1277 from patent US 7883858
GI:4505215 is identical to GenBank AFD45202.1 469 Sequence 195 from patent US 8129114
GI:4505215 is identical to GenBank AHD78771.1 469 Sequence 27380 from patent US 8586006
GI:4505215 is identical to GenBank AIC54763.1 469 MMP1 [synthetic construct]
Related Sequences to MGP001935 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:4505215 is related to EMBL CAA38691.1 469 type I interstitial collagenase
GI:4505215 is related to GenBank AAB36941.1 469 collagenase
GI:4505215 is related to SwissProt P03956.3 469 RecName: Full=Interstitial collagenase; AltName: Full=Fibroblast collagenase; AltName: Full=Matrix metalloproteinase-1; Short=MMP-1; Contains: RecName: Full=22 kDa interstitial collagenase; Contains: RecName: Full=27 kDa interstitial collagenase; Flags: Precursor