MGP Database


Ontology/Pathway Information

Entrez Gene ID5608
Gene Namemitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6
Gene Symbol MAP2K6
SpeciesHomo sapiens
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005856 IEA:UniProtKB-SubCellCcytoskeleton
GO:0005829 TAS:ReactomeCcytosol
GO:0005654 TAS:ReactomeCnucleoplasm
GO:0005524 IEA:UniProtKB-KWFATP binding
GO:0004708 IBA:GO_CentralFMAP kinase kinase activity
GO:0019901 IPI:UniProtKBFprotein kinase binding
GO:0004713 IEA:UniProtKB-KWFprotein tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0004702 IBA:GO_CentralFreceptor signaling protein serine/threonine kinase activity
GO:0000187 TAS:ReactomePactivation of MAPK activity
GO:0006915 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPapoptotic process
GO:0060048 IEA:EnsemblPcardiac muscle contraction
GO:0007050 TAS:ProtIncPcell cycle arrest
GO:0072709 IEA:EnsemblPcellular response to sorbitol
GO:0006975 TAS:ProtIncPDNA damage induced protein phosphorylation
GO:0045087 TAS:ReactomePinnate immune response
GO:0042692 TAS:ReactomePmuscle cell differentiation
GO:0002755 TAS:ReactomePMyD88-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway
GO:0002756 TAS:ReactomePMyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway
GO:0035872 TAS:ReactomePnucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor signaling pathway
GO:0070423 TAS:ReactomePnucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing signaling pathway
GO:0022602 IEA:EnsemblPovulation cycle process
GO:0043065 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of apoptotic process
GO:0051149 TAS:ReactomePpositive regulation of muscle cell differentiation
GO:0051770 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process
GO:0032308 IEA:EnsemblPpositive regulation of prostaglandin secretion
GO:0006355 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPregulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0042493 IEA:EnsemblPresponse to drug
GO:0002931 IEA:EnsemblPresponse to ischemia
GO:0007165 TAS:ProtIncPsignal transduction
GO:0051403 TAS:ReactomePstress-activated MAPK cascade
GO:0034166 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 10 signaling pathway
GO:0034134 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 2 signaling pathway
GO:0034138 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 3 signaling pathway
GO:0034142 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway
GO:0034146 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 5 signaling pathway
GO:0034162 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor 9 signaling pathway
GO:0002224 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor signaling pathway
GO:0038123 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor TLR1:TLR2 signaling pathway
GO:0038124 TAS:ReactomePtoll-like receptor TLR6:TLR2 signaling pathway
GO:0006351 IEA:UniProtKB-KWPtranscription, DNA-templated
GO:0035666 TAS:ReactomePTRIF-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
REACT_21399activated TAK1 mediates p38 MAPK activation
REACT_6890Activated TLR4 signalling
REACT_21402CDO in myogenesis
REACT_120956Cellular responses to stress
REACT_169274Cellular Senescence
REACT_75790Cytokine Signaling in Immune system
REACT_111045Developmental Biology
REACT_6900Immune System
REACT_6802Innate Immune System
REACT_22442Interleukin-1 signaling
REACT_21308MAP kinase activation in TLR cascade
REACT_27215MyD88 cascade initiated on plasma membrane
REACT_25222MyD88 dependent cascade initiated on endosome
REACT_6809MyD88-independent cascade
REACT_6788MyD88:Mal cascade initiated on plasma membrane
REACT_75776NOD1/2 Signaling Pathway
REACT_75913Nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor (NLR) signaling pathways
REACT_169436Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence
REACT_22232Signaling by Interleukins
REACT_9027Toll Like Receptor 10 (TLR10) Cascade
REACT_7980Toll Like Receptor 2 (TLR2) Cascade
REACT_6783Toll Like Receptor 3 (TLR3) Cascade
REACT_6894Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Cascade
REACT_9061Toll Like Receptor 5 (TLR5) Cascade
REACT_9020Toll Like Receptor 7/8 (TLR7/8) Cascade
REACT_9047Toll Like Receptor 9 (TLR9) Cascade
REACT_6966Toll-Like Receptors Cascades
REACT_8005Toll Like Receptor TLR1:TLR2 Cascade
REACT_8006Toll Like Receptor TLR6:TLR2 Cascade
REACT_25024TRAF6 mediated induction of NFkB and MAP kinases upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation
REACT_25281TRIF-mediated TLR3/TLR4 signaling
SMP Pathway Links
SMP IDDescription
SMP00358Fc Epsilon Receptor I Signaling in Mast Cells
SMP00320Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2a and Adenosine
SMP00321Intracellular Signalling Through Adenosine Receptor A2b and Adenosine