MGP Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for MGP002963 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
352962174 RefSeq NP_001238758 273 osteopontin isoform 4 precursor
352962176 RefSeq NP_001238759 327 osteopontin isoform 5
91206462 RefSeq NP_001035147 314 osteopontin isoform OPN-a precursor
4759166 RefSeq NP_000573 300 osteopontin isoform OPN-b precursor
91598939 RefSeq NP_001035149 287 osteopontin isoform OPN-c precursor
Identical Sequences to MGP002963 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:352962174 is identical to DBBJ BAE45628.1 273 osteopontin, partial
GI:352962176 is identical to DBBJ BAH12087.1 327 unnamed protein product
GI:91598939 is identical to GenBank ADS63097.1 287 Sequence 7 from patent US 7807790
GI:91598939 is identical to GenBank AEA49031.1 287 osteopontin-C
GI:4759166 is identical to GenBank AFD45322.1 300 Sequence 30 from patent US 8129125
GI:4759166 is identical to GenBank AFL35842.1 300 Sequence 6 from patent US 8178358
GI:91206462 is identical to GenBank AFQ82197.1 314 Sequence 2 from patent US 8247183
GI:91598939 is identical to GenBank AFQ82203.1 287 Sequence 9 from patent US 8247183
GI:91206462 is identical to GenBank AGA52166.1 314 Sequence 3 from patent US 8329414
GI:91206462 is identical to GenBank AHE18756.1 314 Sequence 87 from patent US 8614309
GI:4759166 is identical to GenBank AHE18757.1 300 Sequence 88 from patent US 8614309
GI:91598939 is identical to GenBank AHE18758.1 287 Sequence 89 from patent US 8614309
GI:91206462 is identical to GenBank AIC49780.1 314 SPP1, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:4759166 is identical to GenBank AIC63177.1 300 SPP1, partial [synthetic construct]
Related Sequences to MGP002963 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:352962174 is related to EMBL CAD26799.1 300 unnamed protein product
GI:352962174 is related to GenBank AAA59974.1 300 osteopontin
GI:352962174 is related to GenBank AAH22844.1 300 Secreted phosphoprotein 1
GI:352962174 is related to RefSeq NP_000573.1 300 osteopontin isoform OPN-b precursor