Orthologs for F2RL1

Entrez Gene ID Gene SymbolProtein GIMGP recordSPECIES
2150 F2RL1 34577052 MGP001006 Human
427213 F2RL1 60302858 Chicken
461800 F2RL1 114599569 Chimpanzee
526525 F2RL1 114053309 Cow
488940 F2RL1 225543699 Dog
14063 F2rl1 171542817 Mouse
116677 F2rl1 16758770 Rat
707479 F2RL1 109077658 Rhesus monkey
100490447 f2rl1 512810149 Xenopus
View homologs of F2RL1 via Homologene

Multiple alignments for protein sequences from F2RL1 via Homologene

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