Study ID Study Title Species Institute
ST000097NMR analysis of D. melanogasterFruit flyUniversity of Florida
ST000102Cold adaptation shapes the robustness of metabolic networks in Drosophila melanogasterFruit flyUniversity of Florida
ST000155ND/HSD sated/fasted fly brainsFruit flyUniversity of Michigan
ST000372Measure change in metabolites based on diet and feeding status (part I)Fruit flyUniversity of Michigan
ST000373Measure change in metabolites based on diet and feeding status (part II)Fruit flyUniversity of Michigan
ST001110Investigating link between metabolism and circadian rhythm in Drosophila melanogasterFruit flyUniversity of California, Davis
ST001452Targeted metabolomic analysis on hexosamine biosynthetic pathway in flies on time restricted feedingFruit flyUniversity of California, Davis
ST001859dTor affects the fat body lipidome via Nep1r1, Ctdnep1 and LipinFruit flyVIB-KU Leuven
ST001926Modular evolution of the Drosophila metabolomeFruit flyUniversity of Washington
ST002069Systemic impact of the expression of the mitochondrial alternative oxidase on Drosophila developmentFruit flyTampere University
ST002335Pathogenic Auxilin mutations affect lipids that are critical to Synaptojanin functionFruit flyVIB-KU Leuven

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