Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 24779527

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR001287 ST002027 Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Serum/HILIC) Human Homo sapiens 1-(1-Octadecenyl)-glycero-3-phosphocholine [Data]
PR001287 ST002028 Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/HILIC) Human Homo sapiens 1-(1-Octadecenyl)-glycero-3-phosphocholine [Data]
PR000055 ST000077 Metabolite changes associated with methionine stress sensitivity of cancer (CSH QTOF MS analysis) Human cells Homo sapiens LPC (18:0) [Data]
PR000058 ST000081 Metabolic Profiling of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue from Colorectal Cancer Patients: UHPLC-QTOF MS analyis of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue samples Human Homo sapiens LPC (18:0) [Data]
PR000058 ST000082 Metabolic Profiling of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue from Colorectal Cancer Patients: UHPLC-QTOF MS analyis of serum samples Human Homo sapiens LPC (18:0) [Data]
PR000079 ST000089 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: UHPLC-QTOF MS analysis Human cells Homo sapiens LPC (18:0) [Data]
PR001451 ST002269 Targeted plasma metabolomics in pediatric NAFLD patients Human Homo sapiens LPC-O(18:1) [Data]
PR002127 ST003453 Integration of Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Reveals Metabolic Characteristics and Potential Biomarker Involved in Radiation-Induced Liver Injury in a Rat Model. Mammal Rattus norvegicus LPC_O-18:1 [Data]
PR000471 ST000668 Diet manipulation on the lipidome Human Homo sapiens LPC(P-18:0)[M+H]+ [Data]
PR000473 ST000670 Exposure to high fat diets and bisphenol Mouse Mus musculus LPC(P-18:0)[M+H]+ [Data]
PR001748 ST002817 Investigation of metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Lipidomics Mammal Mus musculus LPC(p-18:0) or LPC(o-18:1) [Data]