Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 5283568

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR000004 ST000005 Timecourse on RAW 264.7 cells treated with Kdo2-Lipid A and compactin Animal Mus musculus C24:1 Cer [Data]
PR000219 ST000828 Metabolic analysis of Parp1 ko/wt Saline & Bleo Mouse Lung Fiboblasts and Human IPF & Normal Lung Fiboblasts 3 HUMAN Homo sapiens C24:1 CER [Data]
PR000589 ST000827 Metabolic analysis of Normal Mouse Lung Fiboblasts with/without TGFbeta treatment MOUSE Mus musculus C24:1 CER [Data]
PR001935 ST003114 Lipidomics analyses in model membranes, isolated mitochondria and cellular systems to study how the local lipid environment affects BAX and BAK function during apoptosis. Cultured cells Homo sapiens Cer 18:1;O2/24:1 [Data]
PR000121 ST000136 NIST lipidomics intralaboratory study Human Homo sapiens Cer 24:1 [Data]
PR001451 ST002269 Targeted plasma metabolomics in pediatric NAFLD patients Human Homo sapiens Cer(42:2) [Data]
PR001890 ST003038 Untargeted lipidomics of WT and Cyp2c44(-/-) mice liver. Mammal Mus musculus Cer 42:2;2O|Cer 18:2;2O/24:0 (648.63092@9.414) [Data]
PR001162 ST001840 Metabolomics of lung microdissections reveals region- and sex-specific metabolic effects of acute naphthalene exposure in mice (part I) Mammal Mus musculus Ceramide 42:2 [Data]
PR000348 ST000450 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Human Homo sapiens Ceramide(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR000357 ST000465 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Human renal cancer cells Homo sapiens Ceramide(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR000055 ST000077 Metabolite changes associated with methionine stress sensitivity of cancer (CSH QTOF MS analysis) Human cells Homo sapiens Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000058 ST000081 Metabolic Profiling of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue from Colorectal Cancer Patients: UHPLC-QTOF MS analyis of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue samples Human Homo sapiens Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000058 ST000082 Metabolic Profiling of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue from Colorectal Cancer Patients: UHPLC-QTOF MS analyis of serum samples Human Homo sapiens Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000079 ST000089 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: UHPLC-QTOF MS analysis Human cells Homo sapiens Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000260 ST000321 Effects of LGG on current drinkers gut metabolism Animal Mus musculus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000261 ST000323 Progesterone level effects on primary metabolites in uterus, blood, and ovaries (Part 2:Uterine flush) Animal Bos taurus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000261 ST000324 Progesterone level effects on primary metabolites in uterus, blood, and ovaries (Part 3:Ovaries) Animal Bos taurus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000263 ST000328 Primary metabolites at different points along dog gastrointestinal tract (CSH chromatography) Animal Canis lupus familiaris Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000264 ST000329 Minimal change disease and focal segmental sclerosis in urine Human Homo sapiens Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000265 ST000330 Effects of Zinc on GI tract metabolites (Part 1: Esophagus) Animal Mus musculus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000265 ST000331 Effects of Zinc on GI tract metabolites (Part 2: Prostate) Animal Mus musculus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000266 ST000332 Effects of Giardia intestinalis on mice GI tract Animal Mus musculus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR000271 ST000339 Metabolites in peritoneal macrophages and bone marrow derived macrophages Animal Mus musculus Ceramide (d42:2) [Data]
PR001047 ST001637 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Mammal Mus musculus Ceramide d42:2; [Data]
PR001047 ST001888 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Mammal Mus musculus Ceramide d42:2; [Data]
PR001748 ST002817 Investigation of metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Lipidomics Mammal Mus musculus Ceramide(d42:2) A [Data]
PR001285 ST002023 A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity Mammal Rattus norvegicus Ceramides__Cer(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR000219 ST000295 Metabolic analysis of Human and Mouse Lung Fiboblasts Human/animal Mus musculus;Homo sapiens Cer C24:1 [Data]
PR000413 ST000562 Brown vs White adipose tissue Animal Mus musculus Cer C24:1 [Data]
PR001455 ST002274 1-deoxysphingolipid synthesis compromises anchorage-independent growth and plasma membrane endocytosis in cancer cells Cultured cells Homo sapiens Cer d18:1/24:1 [Data]
PR000004 ST000004 Lipidomics studies on NIDDK / NIST human plasma samples Human Homo sapiens Cer(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR000213 ST000269 Diacylglyceride and Ceramide analysis in TFD mice Animal Mus musculus Cer(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR001737 ST002787 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Human Homo sapiens Cer(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR001883 ST003222 A small molecule macrophage migration inhibitory factor agonist ameliorates age-related myocardial intolerance to ischemia-reperfusion insults via metabolic regulation - Part 1 Mammal Mus musculus Cer(d18:1/24:1) [Data]
PR000471 ST000668 Diet manipulation on the lipidome Human Homo sapiens Cer(d42:2)[M+H]+ [Data]
PR000473 ST000670 Exposure to high fat diets and bisphenol Mouse Mus musculus Cer(d42:2)[M+H]+ [Data]
PR000673 ST000992 Metabolomic Markers of Dietary Patterns in the Costa Rica Study HUMAN Homo sapiens Cer(d42:2)[M+H]+ [Data]
PR000471 ST000668 Diet manipulation on the lipidome Human Homo sapiens Cer(d42:2)[M+Na]+ [Data]
PR000473 ST000670 Exposure to high fat diets and bisphenol Mouse Mus musculus Cer(d42:2)[M+Na]+ [Data]
PR000673 ST000992 Metabolomic Markers of Dietary Patterns in the Costa Rica Study HUMAN Homo sapiens Cer(d42:2)[M+Na]+ [Data]
PR000480 ST000679 Functional genomics study on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) - part II Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.43 [Data]
PR000485 ST000686 Lipodomics and Gestational bisphenol A (BPA) exposure Animal Ovis aries N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.45 [Data]
PR000487 ST000688 Biomarkers for different types of Multiple Scelerosis (MS) (BMS vs SPMS lipidomics) Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.45 [Data]
PR000480 ST000678 Functional genomics study on Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.46 [Data]
PR000484 ST000685 Lipidomics analysis for human liver cell lines Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.46 [Data]
PR000537 ST000744 Metabolomics of intensive weight management clinic (IWMC) weight loss Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.46 [Data]
PR000543 ST000753 Comparison of the metabolome and lipidome of wild type and mdx/mTR mice Mouse Mus musculus N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.46 [Data]
PR000583 ST000818 Integrated nutrigenomic and metabolomic analysis of Africans with variable diet HUMAN Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.46 [Data]
PR000482 ST000683 Untargeted Lipidomics for hepatic lipid profile wild type versus knockout Mouse Mus musculus N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.47 [Data]
PR000536 ST000743 Metabolomics of bariatric weight loss Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.47 [Data]
PR000510 ST000823 Metabolic profiling of cyst fluid from patients with Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasm (part II) HUMAN Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.50 [Data]
PR000479 ST000677 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) changes with S.Q. Leptin administrations Human Homo sapiens N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.52 [Data]
PR000478 ST000676 Effect of high fat diet and streptozotocin treatment on neuropathy Mouse Mus musculus N-(15Z-tetracosenoyl)-sphing-4-enine; [M-H]-@8.53 [Data]
PR001139 ST001795 Changes in mesenteric lymph lipid profile of mice upon high-fat diet with and without Celecoxib (part I) Mammal Mus musculus N-(2-hydroxyoctadecanoyl)-phytosphingosine [Data]
PR001748 ST002815 Investigation of metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - HILIC Mammal Mus musculus N-Tetracosenoyl-4-sphingenine [Data]