Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 54670067

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR001158 ST001834 A metabolomics comparison of plant-based meat and grass-fed meat indicates large nutritional differences despite comparable nutrition facts labels Food item - Ascorbate, vitamin C [Data]
PR000747 ST001163 Variability in metabolomic profiles among unique genotypes of Acropora cervicornis (part-II) Other Acropora cervicornis ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000747 ST001163 Variability in metabolomic profiles among unique genotypes of Acropora cervicornis (part-II) Other Acropora cervicornis ASCORBIC ACID-2H [Data]
PR000654 ST000953 Identification of putative cryoprotectant metabolites in Aphaenogaster picea Insect Aphaenogaster picea ASCORBIC ACID-2H [Data]
PR000001 ST000001 Fatb Induction Experiment (FatBIE) Plant Arabidopsis thaliana ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000012 ST000013 Mutation Study Plant Arabidopsis thaliana ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001276 ST002012 Untargeted primary metabolite profiling in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Arabidopsis thaliana ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000267 ST000335 Metabolomics of bovine uterine fluid at the onset of conceptus elongation Animal Bos taurus Ascorbic acid_1 [Data]
PR000267 ST000335 Metabolomics of bovine uterine fluid at the onset of conceptus elongation Animal Bos taurus Ascorbic acid_2 [Data]
PR002182 ST003546 Improved Soil Health and Pasture Phytochemical Richness Underlies Improved Beef Nutrient Density in Southern US Grass-Finished Beef Systems Mammal Bos taurus ascorbate (vitamin C) [Data]
PR000018 ST000040 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Invertebrate Caenorhabditis elegans Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001409 ST002206 Lipolysis-derived Lipids Determine Autophagy Initiation during Fasting Invertebrate Caenorhabditis elegans Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000396 ST000541 Canine Diabetes - Preliminary Evaluation of Testing Methods Animal Canis lupus familiaris ASCORBIC ACID-2H [Data]
PR001115 ST001754 Metabolomic Analysis of Canine Diabetes (part-II) Mammal Canis lupus familiaris ASCORBIC ACID-2H_R1 [Data]
PR001115 ST001754 Metabolomic Analysis of Canine Diabetes (part-II) Mammal Canis lupus familiaris ASCORBIC ACID-2H_R2 [Data]
PR001115 ST001754 Metabolomic Analysis of Canine Diabetes (part-II) Mammal Canis lupus familiaris ASCORBIC ACID_R1 [Data]
PR001115 ST001754 Metabolomic Analysis of Canine Diabetes (part-II) Mammal Canis lupus familiaris ASCORBIC ACID_R2 [Data]
PR000407 ST000556 IROA feasibility project; plasticizers as obesogens in zebrafish Larval fish at one month Danio rerio Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001941 ST003435 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 Fish Danio rerio Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003435 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 Fish Danio rerio Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR000344 ST000446 Heterologous expression and detection of Apratoxins in E. coli bacteria cells Escherichia coli Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000008 ST000009 Mixed meal tolerance Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000009 ST000010 Lung Cancer Cells 4 Human cells Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000015 ST000016 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000040 ST000041 High PUFA diet in humans Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000041 ST000042 BALF Control vs ALI by RPLC-MS Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000042 ST000043 MDA-MB-231 cells and p38 gamma knockdown Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000043 ST000044 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000043 ST000044 Pilot experiment looking for the existence of certain molecules in pancreatic cancer cells Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE (-H) [Data]
PR000059 ST000063 Biomarkers for Depression in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid in a Population Sample Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C0 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C1 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C2 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C3 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C4 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C5 [Data]
PR000073 ST000076 A549 Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C6 [Data]
PR000085 ST000093 Metabolomics Analysis of Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR000097 ST000105 SCOR Metabolomics Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000098 ST000106 IWMS Study 1:Weight comparison of obese and lean patients Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]0 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]1 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]2 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]3 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]4 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]5 [Data]
PR000102 ST000113 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C/15N] labeled Glutamine medium (Positive ion mode FTMS) Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-[13C,15N]6 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C0 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C1 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C2 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C3 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C4 [Data]
PR000102 ST000114 SIRM Analysis of human P493 cells under hypoxia in [U-13C] labeled Glucose medium Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C5 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C0 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C1 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C2 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C3 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C4 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C5 [Data]
PR000103 ST000111 Study of biological variation in PC9 cell culture Human cells Homo sapiens ascorbate-13C6 [Data]
PR000127 ST000148 A549 13C-labeled Cell Study Human cells Homo sapiens Ascorbate-13C0[+H]+ [Data]
PR000131 ST000150 Association of Metabolic Profile and Microbiome in Chronic Pressure Ulcer Wounds Human Homo sapiens Ascorbate [Data]
PR000186 ST000230 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000186 ST000231 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (part II) Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000208 ST000256 Signal Intensities Derived from Different NMR Probes and Parameters Contribute to Variations in Quantification of Metabolites Human Homo sapiens Ascorbate [Data]
PR000233 ST000291 LC-MS Based Approaches to Investigate Metabolomic Differences in the Urine of Young Women after Drinking Cranberry Juice or Apple Juice Human Homo sapiens Ascorbate [Data]
PR000269 ST000424 Metabolomics Approach to Allograft Assessment in Liver Transplantation (part II) Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000299 ST000381 Urinary Metabolites in IC/PBS Diagnosis (part I) Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000322 ST000412 Metabolic profiling during ex vivo machine perfusion of the human liver (part I) Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000357 ST000465 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Human renal cancer cells Homo sapiens L-Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000404 ST000552 Metabolite signatures in trauma patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000488 ST000689 Influence of Noxa knockdown on cell metabolism Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000492 ST000695 Pilot metabolomics study of aromatase inhibitor associated arthralgias Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000494 ST000697 Cytokines correlation with metabolomic profiling of psoriatic and normal skin HUMAN Homo sapiens ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000535 ST000741 Metabolite-phenotype link in X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (fibroblast cell culture) Human Homo sapiens ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000635 ST000919 Investigating Eicosanoids Implications on the Blood Pressure Response to Thiazide Diuretics Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000655 ST000954 Explore Metabolites and Pathways Associated Increased Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Asthma Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000657 ST000956 Determine metabolomics signatures important for the ability of Streptococus gallolyticus to promote colon cancer cell proliferation Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID-2H [Data]
PR000658 ST000957 Global metabolomics of human milk fractions Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000658 ST000957 Global metabolomics of human milk fractions Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID-2H_R1 [Data]
PR000658 ST000957 Global metabolomics of human milk fractions Human Homo sapiens ASCORBIC ACID-2H_R2 [Data]
PR000667 ST001842 Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part I) Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000968 ST001412 Metabolomics study in Plasma of Obese Patients with Neuropathy Identifies Potential Metabolomics Signatures Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001048 ST001639 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001048 ST002088 Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (vitamin C) [Data]
PR001053 ST001719 Metabolomics Analysis of Philadelphia Cohort - Update (part-I) Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001053 ST001720 Metabolomics Analysis of ACTG Cohort -Update (part-II) Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M0 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M1 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M2 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M3 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M4 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M5 [Data]
PR001094 ST001709 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Homo sapiens ascorbate M6 [Data]
PR001133 ST001780 Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001133 ST001789 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001218 ST001929 Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotype (Part 2) Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001226 ST001937 Comprehensive plasma metabolomics and lipidomics based management of benign and malignant solitary pulmonary nodules Human Homo sapiens ascorbate-1 [Data]
PR001226 ST001937 Comprehensive plasma metabolomics and lipidomics based management of benign and malignant solitary pulmonary nodules Human Homo sapiens ascorbate-2 [Data]
PR001282 ST002020 TIPs Metabolomics (urine) Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001432 ST002244 Metabolomics analysis of Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) (part I) Human Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001737 ST002787 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Human Homo sapiens L-Ascorbate [Data]
PR001767 ST002825 Brain Metabolomics in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) Human Homo sapiens ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001941 ST003411 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h (C75 MRM included) Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003411 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h (C75 MRM included) Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003412 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with cerulenin, TVB-2640, and TVB-3166 for 24 h Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003412 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with cerulenin, TVB-2640, and TVB-3166 for 24 h Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003427 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003427 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003428 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with rotenone Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003428 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with rotenone Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003429 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with Fasnall that was manufactured by Enamine Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003429 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with Fasnall that was manufactured by Enamine Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003430 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with GSK2194069 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003430 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with GSK2194069 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic acid 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003431 Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003431 Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003432 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003432 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003433 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003433 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 Cultured cells Homo sapiens Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR001977 ST003178 Post-Infectious MECFS at the NIH Human Homo sapiens ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR002152 ST003506 Comparison of serum and interstitial fluid from patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema and healthy control subjects with NMR-based metabolomics Human Homo sapiens Vitamin C [Data]
PR001609 ST002492 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Malus domestica;Musa acuminata;Solanum lycopersicum;Lactuca sativa;Fragaria x ananassa;Daucus carota;Prunus persica;Allium cepa;Spinacia oleracea;Capsicum annuum;Zea mays;Allium sativum;Ocimum basilicum;Solanum tuberosum;Glycine max;Phaseolus vulgaris;Olea europaea;Cicer arietinum;Beta vulgaris;Pyrus communis ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001609 ST002493 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Malus domestica;Solanum lycopersicum;Lactuca sativa;Fragaria x ananassa;Allium sativum;Ocimum basilicum ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000142 ST000164 Metabolomic analysis of normal and diabetic mouse bone marrow under PBS or metformin treatment Animal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000165 ST000693 Lanthanide-mineral induced alteration of bile acid metabolism in a murine model of steatohepatitis (part II) Mouse Mus musculus ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000166 ST000694 Differences in bile acids composition between ASCL5 knockout and floxed mice. Mouse Mus musculus ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000211 ST000260 Analysis of DJ-1 Knockout Mouse Brains Animal Mus musculus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR000212 ST000261 1H NMR metabolomics study of spleen from C57BL/6 mice exposed to gamma radiation Animal Mus musculus Ascorbate [Data]
PR000461 ST000660 Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins are implicated in soybean oil-induced obesity in mice (part I) Animal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000493 ST000696 Brain-Immune system-Gut Interaction in Chronic Mild Stress (CMS +/- Lacto) Mouse Mus musculus ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000538 ST000745 Metabolomics of mice inoculated with human microbiota Mouse Mus musculus L-ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000538 ST000746 Metabolomics of mice inoculated with human stool (part II) Mouse Mus musculus L-ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR001031 ST001606 Aromatic amino acid metabolism by the anaerobic gut bacterium Clostridium sporogenes Mammal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001047 ST001637 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001047 ST001637 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Mammal Mus musculus Vitamin C isomer A [Data]
PR001047 ST001637 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Mammal Mus musculus Vitamin C isomer B [Data]
PR001047 ST001888 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001047 ST001888 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Mammal Mus musculus Vitamin C isomer B [Data]
PR001089 ST001701 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Liver) part-III Mammal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001089 ST001703 A cross-sectional study of functional and metabolic changes during aging through the lifespan in male mice (Brain) part-V Mammal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001143 ST001809 The Metabolic Benefits of Short Cycles of Very Low Caloric Intake are Dependent on Diet Composition in Middle-Aged Mice Mammal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001170 ST001855 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition (Part 1) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbate [Data]
PR001373 ST002160 Global metabolomics analysis of neutrophils isolated from tumor Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001416 ST002216 Non-targeted metabolomics screen comparing metabolite profiles of serum from PDAC-bearing mice that received metronidazole using high-resolution, high-performance LC-MS/MS analysis. Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001488 ST002322 Metabolomics study comparing SCAP KO and WT B cells Cultured cells Mus musculus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001509 ST002349 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 1) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic Acid [Data]
PR001509 ST002352 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 2) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic Acid [Data]
PR001509 ST002744 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 4) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic Acid [Data]
PR001509 ST002751 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 5) Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic Acid [Data]
PR001678 ST002708 Levels of central carbon metabolites in choroid plexus as part of natural diurnal variation Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate_unc [Data]
PR001748 ST002801 Investigation of metabolism in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001761 ST002814 Atlas of fetal metabolism during mid-to-late gestation and diabetic pregnancy Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate [Data]
PR001761 ST002878 Atlas of fetal metabolism during mid-to-late gestation and diabetic pregnancy. Dynamic Labelling experiment. Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate [Data]
PR001764 ST002822 Effect of ERR Agonist in Mouse Heart Post Pressure Overload Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001786 ST002852 MYC is a regulator of androgen receptor inhibition-induced metabolic requirements in prostate cancer Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate [Data]
PR001835 ST002952 Investigate the impact of feeding time on the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) in the mouse liver and heart using targeted metabolomics: primary metabolism Mammal Mus musculus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001941 ST003434 Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003434 Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR001941 ST003436 Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic 157 [Data]
PR001941 ST003436 Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice Mammal Mus musculus Ascorbic 79 [Data]
PR001945 ST003132 Untargeted Metabolomics on Mouse colonic mucosa Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001952 ST003277 LC-MS/MS spatial analysis of mouse GI Mammal Mus musculus ascorbate (vitamin C) [Data]
PR001679 ST002709 FH variant pathogenicity promotes purine salvage pathway dependence in kidney cancer Cultured cells NCCFH1; UOK262; UTFHC1 ascorbate [Data]
PR000665 ST000972 High Resolution GC-MS Metabolomics of Non-Human Primate Serum Other Papio hamadryas Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000016 ST000017 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Animal Rattus norvegicus ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000313 ST000401 Inhibition of diamine oxidase promotes uptake of putrescine from rat small intestine Animal Rattus norvegicus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000375 ST000555 Cocaine administration and withdrawal (part II) Long Evans Rat Rattus norvegicus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000627 ST000903 Pharmacometabolomic analysis of rat hippocampus and plasma in response to chronic stress and albiflorin treament Animal Rattus norvegicus Ascorbic acid [Data]
PR000704 ST001051 High Salt Diet versus Low Salt Diet in rats Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001027 ST001526 Mitochondrial health is enhanced in rats with higher vs. lower intrinsic exercise capacity and extended lifespan Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR001071 ST001668 D-Allulose effects on hepatic metabolomics profile in rodents Mammal Rattus norvegicus Vitamin C [Data]
PR001180 ST001869 WNK463 Inhibition on Right Ventricular metabolomics Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001180 ST001870 Effects of GP130 Antagonism on Right Ventricular Metabolism in Monocrotaline Rats Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbate (Vitamin C) [Data]
PR001665 ST002585 Zinc treatment reverses and anti-Zn-regulated miRs suppress esophageal carcinomas in vivo Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbic acid [Data]
PR002127 ST003453 Integration of Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Reveals Metabolic Characteristics and Potential Biomarker Involved in Radiation-Induced Liver Injury in a Rat Model. Mammal Rattus norvegicus ascorbic_acid [Data]
PR000961 ST001401 Steady-state metabolomics time course of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis (mtFAS) mutants Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vitamin C [Data]
PR000414 ST000692 Metabolites produced by strains associated with inflammation Bacteria Treponema pectinovorum ASCORBATE (CAS# 50-81-7); (M+H)+[-H2O] [Data]
PR000615 ST000886 Mechanism Behind Stay Green Trait in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant Triticum aestivum ASCORBATE [Data]
PR000615 ST000886 Mechanism Behind Stay Green Trait in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant Triticum aestivum ASCORBIC ACID [Data]
PR000615 ST000886 Mechanism Behind Stay Green Trait in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Plant Triticum aestivum ASCORBIC ACID-2H [Data]